634 Screw size


New member
What size screws go into the corners of the board on a 634 display? I found some references on this forum to:

4-40 x 1/4" (#4 size, 40 threads per inch)

But I want to make sure before I go looking for them. Also, where can I find them? Thanks in advance.
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CF Tech

For the corner of the display, you would want a 2-56 size screw, available at Radio-Shack last time I checked, or also at a hobby shop that sells R/C models.

(the 4-40 is for mounting the bracket to the PC)


New member
Thank you for the quick reply. I will mention for posterity that I found the 2-56 screws at OSH, although the longest I could find was 3/4 inch. Radio Shack said they didn't sell screws anymore and haven't for a few years.

the 2-56 screw doesn't actually screw into the board. Is it supposed to? Luckily I got some nuts that I can use instead.

CF Tech

The screws are meant to pass through the PCB, not thread into it.

I am glad you found the screws.

Helpful sales people aside, I still maintain that RadioShack sells both the screws and nuts ;)

By the way, what is "OSH"?


New member
I think the "helpful" individual at Radio Shack was more interested in trying to sell me a cell phone. I should've just looked myself:)

OSH is "Orchard Supply Hardware". I thought it was a nationwide chain but maybe it's just a california thing? At any rate they have a large selection of bolts and screws so I figured it was probably my best bet.

Thank you for all your help.
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