634 comport unable to start


New member
I installed my 634 yesterday and after some messing around I got it to work fine. This morning I booted my pc and the lcd software (CC, jaLCDs, LCD Smartie) all say they cannot open port 6.

I removed everything, software and device from dev. man. reinstalled the 634, reinstalled the software and again, the screen boots, I see the Crystalfontz boot screen, it goes to show a blinking cursor. when I try to start any LCD screen software they all say unable to open com6
(I dont start them at the same time and I've also tried just installing screen and 1 software package to make sure they don't "bite" eachother)

I'm going crazy here, can anybody help get this thing to work again?
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CF Tech

If the module is not showing up in the device manager:

then please follow USB installation procedure here:


Once the module is showing up in device manager, then I like to use WinTest for a quick functional check:


Just make sure you can send data to the LCD. Once that is working, then you know that your hardware is installed and functioning correctly. Just remember to close WinTest to free up the port (you can also delete it WinTest).

Let me know what you find to this point.


New member
ok, this is getting to be irritating.... after reboot this morning, again the message: "unable to open com6: #5 access denied"

If I reset the whole thing it'll probably work again but I don't want to do this every time I reboot.... can anybody help me?

as reply to your post: It IS showing up in dev. manager, and WinTest is also saying it is unable to open com6
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New member
The post from CF Tech is the proper laid down method to get it to work. Please forget about just getting it going for now, it needs to be working properly. If it fails then so be it, it needs to be tested properly by the proper installation method.

Follow the described procedure exactly, tell CF Tech what com port is showing in Device Manager and exactly how far you have got. Only by following these instructions will you get it working satisfactorily, otherwise you will continue floundering in the dark.

Another thing to look at is that you plug the module directly into a computer USB port, not into any adaptor. If not, then Windows sometimes pulls the plug on the port you are using and this can cause the same problems you`re describing.



New member
As I said before, I have followed those steps exactly! and if I delete everything now, follow them again, it will work again. Done exactly as explained in the tech's steps. only thing is after I reboot the screen turns on (I see the Crystalfontz boot screen) and I see a blinking cursor and that's it.

every other program I want to start says unable to open com6 (which is he comport stated in the device manager) -whilst that program will work after initial install and before rebooting-

when I try to change the port to com7, it says the port is in use by another application, however in my taskmanager I see nothing running, can it be the drivers and initial start of the screen that isn't functioning properly?

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New member
If you have followed the laid down procedure, you are running the correct drivers, you appear to be on the correct com port, you are only running one instance of software connecting to that port, you are directly connected to the USB port and not an adaptor then it would appear in my mind that you have an hardware fault. Be it computer orientated or LCD module, it will become clear shortly.

CF Tech will fully diagnose this and advise as to the next course of action to take. I know he will get you sorted out, don`t worry-these things are sent to test us! ;)

USB LCD Displays - Graphic and Character LCDs with a Keypad

CF Support

Are you unnaturally attached to COM6? :D Have you tried COM9, perhaps?

You may have an IRQ conflict or some other covert anomoly which Windows isn't making you aware of.


New member
I was connected to 6 automaticly, it was the next one available. I tried 7 and came up with the same issue. tried the display on another pc, worked fine. So I just formatted this one and reinstalled the whole bunch... seems to work fine now ! thanks for the help though... I think it was my phone-cradle that was bugging it... because that one started acting up also.