I installed my 634 yesterday and after some messing around I got it to work fine. This morning I booted my pc and the lcd software (CC, jaLCDs, LCD Smartie) all say they cannot open port 6.
I removed everything, software and device from dev. man. reinstalled the 634, reinstalled the software and again, the screen boots, I see the Crystalfontz boot screen, it goes to show a blinking cursor. when I try to start any LCD screen software they all say unable to open com6
(I dont start them at the same time and I've also tried just installing screen and 1 software package to make sure they don't "bite" eachother)
I'm going crazy here, can anybody help get this thing to work again?
I removed everything, software and device from dev. man. reinstalled the 634, reinstalled the software and again, the screen boots, I see the Crystalfontz boot screen, it goes to show a blinking cursor. when I try to start any LCD screen software they all say unable to open com6
(I dont start them at the same time and I've also tried just installing screen and 1 software package to make sure they don't "bite" eachother)
I'm going crazy here, can anybody help get this thing to work again?
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