633 on and then off


New member
My 633 service starts for about 23 seconds, then stops. Crystal control shows that NT is not running, even if 633 runs for the 23 seconds. Also, when its running, it don't show my one wire temp reading as configured in MBM-5. Can anyone help me? Been trying to get this first one to work for over 2 weeks now, many hours. Event log (4) says packets sent to 633 but did not recieve any replies, terminating.

Thanks abunch..........fritz
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New member
Well, the wintest runs pretty good, I think. The slide bars for contrast and brightness works. In the packet debugger, when I do the slide bars for brightness and contrast, it show up as sent, but nothing under recieved. The keypad works ok too. What do you think is wrong? Oh, and I hooked up a fan too, that works good too, varying the speed.

Ok, Now I just hooked up a one wire sensor to the display. It showed the temp in wintest last week, but now nothing. Hmmmm.

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New member
It seems to me you should have seen some packet traffic back. Why not use wintest to send a PING packet, and see if there is a return?

If you are running rs-232, and you don't get a return from the ping, you could unplug cable and jumper the pins (on the cable end) to do a simple loopback test with hyperterm.

Also, make sure the jumpers are set correctly for your cabling as there are two different pinning options for rs-232.



New member
Hi, I did the alternate 232 and nothing changed. Service on then off. etc. I noticed that everytime I boot the computer, I have to Re-enter all the data in the crystal monitor. Is that Normal?



New member
I did not mean to suggest that you should change your pin selection, only that you should check the jumpers. You need to verify the traffic coming from the module, since you already have indications that you are not getting any. This is why I suggested that you use ping, and if you don't get a reply, use hyperterm to check the cable. If you can't get loopback to work, suspect the cable and your pc's serial port. If loopback works, and ping doesn't, suspect a bad port on the module. If you need help going about any of that, I'll be glad to walk you through it.



New member
Hi, thanks for the information. I really don't know how to do all that stuff. I know nothing about programing. Maybe I can call you?



New member
if you want to private message me w/a phone #, name to ask for, and when to call, i'll try to give you a ring. i have vonage, so the call is on them. be advised i am busy preparing for an out of town meeting, so it would be good to give me some choices on when to call.