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Is it possible to show my System Info of this display? Like my Temps and stuff like that?
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But did you see how it connects to the computer..It's the same way CF does their's but they disabled the Serial port to use the Phone Cord data cable...So you can move 7ft. from the computer with the display.... Also the Serial "Backpacks" I don't really understand them that much do they have a serial port on the back of them or not? And if I where to get a parellel Lcd How would I be able to print stuff out besides buying a Usb printer? I still have my mind set on that 634 Serial display because more programs support the Serial display..specialk said:That's WAY too much money to spend for a 2 line LCD. You can get a 4x20 backlit from for $10 and a serial backpack from for $20 and you would have saved $45!
-special [k]