631 doesn't work correct


New member

I have a 631 display on my shuttle-xpc. My OS is winXP SP2. I use the USB-Driver2154 and CrystalControl2.

After a few Minutes the WinampPlugin or other GraphicalPlugins shows al lot o dump. When the PC is loading some Games or sth other the Display shows the boot-screen (with the logo and versions) and begins to flicker like my hdd led.

Have any Idea?

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CF Tech

Let's see if we can tell if it is hardware or software.

Can you use 631_WinTest (we will use that as "known good" software) to talk to the display?

Just get 631_WinTest to talk to the display, leave it going for a bit and every once in a while change the text or press a key on the module.

You will have to stop / disable or uninstall CC2 to free up the port first.


The backlight flickering in time with the hard drive sounds like a power supply issue.

If 631_WinTest never has any trouble, then maybe there is nothing odd with the hardware but some trouble with CC2.


New member
OK, i'll try it. Lets see wats happen.

Is it correct? I switch the key-legend to "on" and the buttons are shown on the right of the display and over the logo?!?! Please test ist....
USB LCD Displays - Graphic and Character LCDs with a Keypad


New member
ok, if i use win_test 2.0:

I type some text in line 1 and 2 i press both "send"-buttons. The Text is diplayed!
After 2 minutes The Display shows: "Crystaltontz 631, HW v2.0 FW v2.0"

What can i do.... The driver is already re-installed...

CF Tech

For some reason the LCD is getting reset. Try putting the backlight to 0%, in case it is a power issue. If that does not make an improvement, then let's get the unit back and figure out what is going on. Please write support(at]crystalfontz(dot]com (edit to '@' & '.') and request an RMA.