Set LCD brightness from code?


New member
So, about two weeks ago I received the Arduino starter kit. Love IT!

Now I came up to the project that displays info on the LCD screen.
For a fututre project I got in mind, I found a setup without using a pot-meter.
Now I'm wondering: is it possible to:
- Shut the LCD off/on from code?
- Set the brightness of the LCD backlight from code?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

thx in advance.
Looking for additional LCD resources? Check out our LCD blog for the latest developments in LCD technology.
... Now I'm wondering: is it possible to:
- Shut the LCD off/on from code?
Yes. You can use an I/O pin to control a transistor (or FET) that switches power to the display. Since you dont mention what kind of display, I'm assuming a character display. Graphics displays usually have commands that will blank the screen, but the controller is still active (and consuming power).

- Set the brightness of the LCD backlight from code?
Yes. You can use another I/O pin set up as a PWM output to control a transistor (or FET) that switches the backlight at various duty cycles.