I think I know what you're going to tell me, but I wanted to ask anyways. I'm playing with my LCD through Python, using pygtk for the GUI. I'm using gobject.io_add_watch to listen to the LCD. It calls a callback when the file is ready to be read. It works in a way. One of two things seems to be happening. Either the LCD is sending the wrong data, which I'm doubting, or the callback's being called in the middle of transmissions. I'm using threading to provide a lock so I'm not writing to the device when the callback's reading from the device. Below is the output with Fan 0 reporting. The only time I wrote to the LCD was to turn on reporting right before the first line.
Sometimes I get spurious temperature packets as well, but they're rare.
Fan #: 0, Fan tach cycles: 2, MSB: 204, LSB: 199, RPM: 0
Fan #: 0, Fan tach cycles: 8, MSB: 205, LSB: 178, RPM: 1577
Fan #: 0, Fan tach cycles: 8, MSB: 205, LSB: 156, RPM: 1578
Fan #: 0, Fan tach cycles: 8, MSB: 204, LSB: 158, RPM: 1585
Fan #: 8, Fan tach cycles: 154, MSB: 153, LSB: 204, RPM: 53454
Fan #: 8, Fan tach cycles: 98, MSB: 81, LSB: 204, RPM: 63478
Fan #: 8, Fan tach cycles: 108, MSB: 65, LSB: 204, RPM: 87134
Fan #: 0, Fan tach cycles: 8, MSB: 203, LSB: 205, RPM: 1592
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