Convert KS0107/08 to COG driver?


New member
I have a COTS product which uses the KS0107 driver on its 128 x 64 display. I am wanting to downsize the front panel and have found some COG (chip on glass) displays attractive....BUT. They are no longer using the driver ICs, moving to a new SED-1565 or similar one-chip replacement.

I'm not a programmer - and probably never will be, but I'm handy with the hardware. Is there a fairly cost-effective way to convert this data from KS0107 to that used by another driver IC? An investment of under $1000 for this conversion design would be appreciated. After all, I'm just a dude working out of my garage. ;) Quotes welcome. :)

Also, does anyone have experience ordering a "special" display - one that needs a polarizer or backlighting option? Are the MOQ high?

Aaron Hammett
Envision Electronics
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New member
What do you mean "convert this data"??

If you are not a programmer, what do you use to control the displays?
I don't use anything - the display is already working in a commercial product.

Honestly, I don't understand the confusion. I have a device that currently uses a Samsung-controlled LCD display, and I want to use a display that uses a different driver.

The question is: Can an interface be built to make this conversion?
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CF Tech

To make the conversion with external hardware would probably be a project of greater magnitude than the current device. It would take an FPGA that "understands" KS0107 control signal talk and can then "speak" to the SED-1565 hardware.

Somewhere in your existing project, someone has already written some embedded code that talks to the KS0107. The only practical way to put a SED-1565 display into your project would be to find that code, and modify it to talk to the SED-1565.


New member
To make the conversion with external hardware would probably be a project of greater magnitude than the current device. It would take an FPGA that "understands" KS0107 control signal talk and can then "speak" to the SED-1565 hardware.

Somewhere in your existing project, someone has already written some embedded code that talks to the KS0107. The only practical way to put a SED-1565 display into your project would be to find that code, and modify it to talk to the SED-1565.
Yes, I have a keen understanding of how the functionality of embedded code works - if I could change it. However, I cannot change a masked ROM to suit the whims of an aftermarket designer (me).

I don't need the speed of an FPGA - really, it's a few menu screens with no need to rapidly change states. Practicality isn't the issue. I need a device that will "plug and play" and not require any software changes at all. Write only - 5V.

I've got exactly one positive response in my inbox. Anyone else care to take up the challenge - or at least think about it?


New member
Well, that wraps it up!

After searching dozens of websites for a small KS0107 compatible display and finding lots of 70mm high modules, but none small enough to fit my location - I was sent a page from CF detailing a much smaller module that measures only 50.2mm high.

I don't know why I missed those modules before, and I apologize for taking up your precious brain-time: I was obviously asking something outside the realm of normal functions discussed on this board - you can go back to your regularly scheduled programming. :eek:
I could do what you need, using a micro to do the translation from KS0107 to SED1565 (or KS0713 - the CFAX series), especially if the display doesn't need to be read by the original host. And it could probably be done within your $1000 budget. PM me if you want to discuss details.

As CF Tech says, it might be on par with recreating the whole device, which, depending on the other I/O and functionally of the device, might be practical. I've been doing this kind of design/programming for many years.