Hi guys,
I was wondering what the best way to put a CFAH1202A-YYB-JP to sleep was. My device will be powered constantly, but deep-sleeping when not in use. Ideally I would like to draw no power when sleeping, but simulating sleep would be fine. I am mainly concerned about the LCD elements themselves.
I do have a digital pot driving the VO pin on the LCD, so I can crank the LCD's voltage to GND during sleep if it will make a difference to lifetime.
I was wondering what the best way to put a CFAH1202A-YYB-JP to sleep was. My device will be powered constantly, but deep-sleeping when not in use. Ideally I would like to draw no power when sleeping, but simulating sleep would be fine. I am mainly concerned about the LCD elements themselves.
I do have a digital pot driving the VO pin on the LCD, so I can crank the LCD's voltage to GND during sleep if it will make a difference to lifetime.
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