I just purchased the CFAG12864A-TMI-V and have a few questions for it. What are the CS1 and CS2 pins for? The datasheet doesn't really specify much about these two pins, except that their level is HIGH.
Also, I read elsewhere on this forum that you could connect a potentiometer (~10k pot) to Vdd (pin 2) and Vee (pin 18), with the wiper on Vo (pin 3). So adjusting the pot could basically give me a contrast control, if used within the range (7.6V to 10.6V max). But what about pins 19 and 20? Couldn't I just place a pot there, to adjust the contrast of the screen? Thanks in advance.
Also, I read elsewhere on this forum that you could connect a potentiometer (~10k pot) to Vdd (pin 2) and Vee (pin 18), with the wiper on Vo (pin 3). So adjusting the pot could basically give me a contrast control, if used within the range (7.6V to 10.6V max). But what about pins 19 and 20? Couldn't I just place a pot there, to adjust the contrast of the screen? Thanks in advance.
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