CFAG160128B-YYH-TZ questions


New member
I'm interested in the "CFAG160128B-YYH-TZ" 160x128 LCD.

The data states it has a built-in font generator, "5x7 font, 20 characters by 16 lines", but the picture clearly shows 32 characters across the bottom of the screen.

1. Is this some picture "trickery", or is the statement "5x7 font, 20 characters by 16 lines" in error?

2. Is the only built-in font 5x7 pixels? If so, how can I get larger fonts to display?
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CF Tech

. . . 1. Is this some picture "trickery", or is the statement "5x7 font, 20 characters by 16 lines" in error? . . .
We do not have any photos showing usage of the built-in fonts for the CFAG160128B-YYH-TZ. As cosmicvoid said, what we show is done as a bitmapped graphics. The 5x7 font is contained in the T6963 controller. To make larger fonts, you would draw them or copy their bitmaps to the display.

In this image, the small text in the lower-right corner (above the triangle) is created with the built-in font:

(the controller is not a T6963, but the font is similar).


New member
Still considering the CFAG160128BYYHTZ LCD, and have more questions.

1. Is there 2Kbytes of CGRAM on this LCD, as there is on "other" variants of LCD's with the T6963 controller?

2. Is there space for "user characters" starting with character code $80, as on other variants?

3. The 5x7 font is too small. Can I construct a "custom" 6x8-pixel font set by overwriting the entire CGRAM "standard" 5x7-pixel font set.

4. If so, what would the Mode_set and Offset register set commands look like?