Wiring a 633 for ATX power control


New member
I am installing a 633 module and want to try the ATX power supply control capabilities. I have a question with the cabling:

On the page nº 7 of the manual it is said that I should connect the Vsb ("always on" +5v) to the pin 3 of J8. It is also indicated that that pin is electrically connected to the +5V pin of the power connector. Should I wire both pins? I have tested the voltage of the power connector and is arround 0.3V when the system is off.

Does this mean that I should disconnect the +5V cable from the power input? and connect the +5V of the Vsb? What is the exact cabling for this purpose?

Thanks very much.
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CF Tech

You will want to connect the +5v that switches on and off (like a red wire from a disk drive connector) to GPIO[1] (POWER-ON SENSE). Do not connect the +5v that switches on and off to any other place on the 633.

Connect Vsb (the +5v that always stays on) to +5v on J8 or +5v on the PWR connector. Only one needs to be connected, but both could be. These two pins are connected together on the 633, so it would be simplest to only use one of the options.

Then connect the GPIO[2] (POWER CONTROL) to the pin on your motherboard that usually goes to the power switch.

Then connect the GPIO[3] (RESET) to the pin on your motherboard that usually goes to the reset switch.

You will also need ground and +12v.

These connections will be simplified a bit on a future release.


New member
I want to connect use the 633 to control the power on my system. But the floppy drive connector does not contain the "always on" +5vdc. It only contains the switched +5vdc, 2 gnd, and +12vdc. I am using an EPS power supply...and in looking at the pinouts, I only find VSB on the 24 pin connector which goes to my motherboard (I am using the Tyan Thunder i7500 (model 2720) motherboard. Where is VSB usually obtained?
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CF Tech

The location for obtaining Vsb will vary for different systems. It is usually available on the main power connector from the supply to the mother board. Your motherboard may make it available on a header.


New member
Okay, thanks. I found the information on how to get +5VSB from my motherboard. So if I want to use this option to control the power, I can't just use the floppy power connector straight from the power supply anymore? Do most people end up creating a custom PWR cable with +5VSB, GND, and +12V? Getting the +5VSB, GND, and +12V from the motherboard instead of directly from the power supply? Or is the PWR connection header not used at all in this case...and the power connections are all made to J8?

Also, you said that these connections would be simplified in a future release. In what way? We are planning to use this display in our product later this year or early next year. If your plans to simplify these connections correspond with that time frame, we'd like to be able to take advantage of those changes.
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CF Tech

The simplification is that POWER SENSE can be jumpered to look at the +5v pin on the floppy power connector, and Vsb can be jumpered to be supplied on J8.

In the current version, you would have to supply Vsb instead of +5v to the floppy connector, so you would have to make some change or use a custom cable.