Winamp 2 Spectrum Analyzer plugin


New member
I was wondering is there are any plugins out there that supports my Crystalfontz LCD, I noticed that the ones on the site only configure to LPT ports. Mine is USB, but shows up on a COM port through the Crystalfontz-provided drivers. Are there any plugins that will do the spectrum analyzer or VU meter that works with COM ports?
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New member
The file provided on this site are the source files. All the files are C++ coded. It does not have the actual winamp .dll plugin file. is there another download that I have overlooked?


New member
does it work with winamp 5 ???

Hie all,

I already trie to make it work with my 634 USB LCD with winamp 5 but it doesn't work !!!

Is someone has an idear or a solution for that ???

thank a lot
