What serial wires does the 634 need?


New member
i would like to wire my LCD internally, and i would like to only hook up the pins it needs, does it need some? or all pins? which pins does it need? (ex. pin1, pin3)

edit i just saw the internal LCD post sticky above, right after i posted, but it still does not answer my question....i would like to have NO serial wires outside the case, since i take my case around with me sometimes, it's a hassle if i have something sticking out of the back, i had it like this before and hated it....
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New member
pin 3 (that is, on a 9 pin serial port).

it also needs a ground, but if you have the power connected to the ps of the same computer then it has the same ground anyway (close enough for 19200 baud serial communication anyway, worked with my 634).


New member
so just one wire? from the serial? i have a separate wire for the backlight, would that be the ground you are talking about?

what guage wire should i use?


New member
Out50Stang said:
so just one wire? from the serial? i have a separate wire for the backlight, would that be the ground you are talking about?

what guage wire should i use?
yes, if you have the backlight connected to the PC power supply then it's ground will be effectively the same as the ground on the serial port, so you dont need the seperate ground.

other than that, you only need that one wire.
just about any guage should be good.

eeks: almost forgot, you need to connect the 5V you use for the backlight power to the LCD +5V power pin as well. if you can't do that, then you need more wires in your serial port.
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New member
Out50Stang said:
i have a 5v and ground wire for the backlight, so all i need know is the data wire (i assume)
yep, and make sure you plug the 5v for the backlight into the LCD+ pin as well as the LED+ pin


New member
i connected the data wire to the pin 3 on my serial port (COM2)

and when i go to test it it says
"Init of COM2 failed. The module will be disabled until it is reconfigured"

what did i do wrong? i also have my backlight plugged in...


New member
i am using the latest Crystal Control

what could be wrong? i have all the connections right.....i mean what else?
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CF Mark

Youll get that error if youve either selected the wrong com port number, the com port is being used by somthing else, or the com port isnt working.

Check windows device manager to make sure the com port is set up ok.
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New member
it's ok, no problems with the COM port....still not working....

btw i hooked up the wire coming from pin 3 to the spot where it says "DATA_IN" or soemthing like that, which was right next to the backlight power supply plug (that has power too i tested it) should i connect it to the serial port on the LCD?


New member
ok i got it to work now, i didn't notice that moi said to use all 3 pins on the blacklight plug, so i got it working now :)