Your right, the 633 uses CRC16 to make things work. It's more robust then how the other LCD's work. I'm learning it now.
I going to program my own Driver for it, something I want. Once I figure out how to use CRC and VB to do it. Last night I was working with it, in trying to get something to display on my LCD and I got upset. (excuse my language) but typed "God Damnit" and didn't pay attention to anything. When back to work to figure out how this all works. Got tired closed everything down, then after awhile I looked at my LCD Display and it said God Damnit in the top line.
Using the Debugger I can make it do anything I want... It is complicated at 1st. Download the pdf file it tells you how to use...
What you do is in the command box any of your instructions your going to give it are typed kinda like this "/000/000/000/000" replace the 0's with whatever numerical value is required. That example I typed is a data length of 4. See where I get that? /000/000 is a data length of 2. Like I said download and read the PDF and it'll make things all clear and describe how to use the debugger to set up fan reporting. Once you set up fan reporting you can just flash that to the memory and it'll stay like that forever. Would be nice to be able to store an entire Driver in there, that the keypad would use to adjust contrast, brightness, allow to you select the temps you want, fan speeds, fan control.... All that stuff so that way if your not in windows or whatever OS you use. It's still functional, in the way you can turn all your fans all the way up, or down if need be. I don't know if thats feasible yet. I believe you would need a substantial amount of ROM for that.