VB Code?

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New member

I am an experienced VB Programmer with advanced console knowlege in c++. Is there some source code or instructions on how to use VB or console C++ to interface with a serial display? I have downloaded the source to your program and, since I dont know MFC, I have no clue. I have never written a program to interface with low level processes with VB. Can it be done? And if so, how? Would I have to write a c++ dll to interface with the card? Is there such of a thing in the vast internet?

Also, I am interested in purchasing the 632 and I have a question. Since it is a serial connection, is it best to pop a hole in the back of my case with a dremel and patch the serial cable into the connectors on my motherboard? Is there some sort of internal serial card that can be used, sort of like a scsci card (im dating myself)? Also, Is the LCD display powered by the serial card? For some reason, I dont see any power supply...

wow... thats a lot of questions... :) ... but really only three

Thanks so much!

Brad Taylor
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VB can do it... but dont ask me how, i dont know VB.
Writing C++ apps in Windows is somthing you should learn how to do, its much more powerful than VB. I would recommend looking at Borland C++ Builder instead of MFC, itll be easier to learn.

Not sure if there are internal serial cards avaliable.
But just looping the cable from outside at the back of the case, through a spare slot to the LCD inside the case is the way its normally done.

The LCD can be powered by the serial cable.
The LCDs backlight needs to be supplied by a 5V line which there are connectors for on the LCD.


New member
Thanks for your help... but I have to disagree with you on the VB thing....

VB is a very powerful language for the windows operating system. It allows for rapid application development (RAD) and that is something that C++ cannot do. But dont get me wrong, I love C++ with all my heart and soul... but not the microsoft brand of it... MFC is way more work than most applications need. I do agree that in some respects, VB is not as efficient (memory wise) as C++, especially in the handling of strings, but with the newer processors (ie: Intel Itanium Line (64 BIT) memory constraints are not quite as important as they were in the console days. I remember the day when one would discussions would be hot and bothered over the advantages and disadvantages between the efficiencies of with and for statements... Go figure. I will definatley check out that Borland C++ though. If it is what you say it is, I might want to invest some time.

Thanks again

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New member
I've had a look around for the same sort of thing and found a product called LCDriver... It seems to have specific support for
Crystalfontz products.. as well as having direct support for VB..

There are source code examples as well as a list of products that
have been created using it..

The web site of the product is:

Hope it helps..


New member
You can interface with VB using MSCOMM32.OCX

You can interface with VB using MSCOMM32.OCX


Public Sub OpenPort()
With MSComm1
.CommPort = 1
.Settings = "19200,n,8,1"
.PortOpen = True
End With
End Sub

Public Sub SendString(Buffer As String)
MSComm1.Output = Buffer
End Sub

Public Sub BackLight(Intensity As Integer)
MSComm1.Output = Chr(14) & Chr(Intensity)
End Sub

Public Sub Contrast(Intensity As Integer)
MSComm1.Output = Chr(15) & Chr(Intensity)
End Sub

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New member


To answer your second question about connecting the CF 632,
I recently purchased a USB v2.0 (compatible with v1.1) PCI card for my pc. It has 5 usb ports, 4 external and 1 internal. I thought, "What am I going to do with this internal port?" Well, With the 632 and USB to Serial adapter I can mount the 632 in a drive bay, connect it w/o any external wires, and not use another IRC! SWEET! The card was $55 which isn't bad considering v1.1 4-port USB hubs go for $40 or more, plus you pick up v2.0 so you will be ready when v2.0 scanners start arriving on the shelves.