User Screen Syntax Manual

CF Tech

This guide was created by jc634 (thanks a ton, Jim).

It will help you understand the screen file syntax.

This guide will help you create your own screens.

If you are only interested in using the guide, here is a PDF version:


There is also a collection of user screens that go with the guide:

We are going to try a "stone soup" approach to this guide, so if you think there is something that the guide needs or that there is something you could explain more clearly, then download this editable version:


Once you have made your edits, attach the modified DOC file back to this post. Every once in a while, we will review those suggestions and roll them back into the PDF.

We also plan on coming up with some kind of a visual catalog of all the screens that have been created. We will probably add a forum specifically for debugged and photographed screens in the near future. Those screens would also be included with future distributions of CC2.

Please post your comments in this thread.
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New member
Great Stuff - If only I had this when I first started working with CC2 screens:)

I will however have a good read through as I am sure there is some stuff I still don't know....


n0saj said:
I will however have a good read through as I am sure there is some stuff I still don't know....
Don't worry. There is still alot of stuff I don't know...;)


CF Mark

jc634 said:
Don't worry. There is still alot of stuff I don't know...;)
There is a lot i dont know :p

Very well done on the guide, it covers a lot.

A few things...
The "JIM, CHECK THIS" on pg4 is ok.
pg23, the heading is "perform" instead of "perfmon"

The Process plugin...
Simply, the process plugin can read memory directly from any program/process.
This means it can pretty much get any string or number from any program.
The FRAPS screens use this plugin to read the FPS directly out of FRAP's own program memory.
Its hard to use because finding the data you want inside a programs allocted memory is very difficult.
I use a program called "TSearch" to do this.


New member
This guide is supposed to be very good... but, is it still valid? I can't find any cc2_service.ini, nor a cc2_service folder in the main directory (cc2 latest version installed) :confused:


This guide is supposed to be very good... but, is it still valid? I can't find any cc2_service.ini, nor a cc2_service folder in the main directory (cc2 latest version installed) :confused:
If you are using Vista or Windows 7, the data files are contained in a CrystalControl2 folder under the ProgramData folder.

It may not cover recent plugins, but other than that, what is there should still be current