Transfering data using Bluetooth to LCD


New member
hi guys...i'm newbie in electronics and currently i doing a project related to this electronic need some help on it...

well...this is basically how my project working......i will transfer some data (eg. some texts or possible some graphics too) wirelessly through bluetooth to the LCD...

my doubts are...

1) can i use the USB to Bluetooth Doogle available in market as a transmitting part? (this will save me some budget and time)

2) for the receiving part...i will use a bluetooth module (eg. LMX9820 from,1822,891,00.html) to construct it and connecting to LCD that possible?

so...wat u guys think? is that possible? can suggest some bluetooth module which is good and cheap...

about the USB to Bluetooth Doogle...i heard that i'll need some driver or something like that to program it? is that true?

really appreciate ur helps...respect!!
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CF Tech

Probably the simplest would be to use a bluetooth to RS232 on the display end, and bluetooth to USB on the PC end.

Usually the biggest obstacle to doing a wireless display is supplying power on the untethered side.

What display are you thinking of using?


New member
well...really appreciate ur reply...

about the bluetooth to RS232...izit the module or the end product available in the market? if the module...the one i provide in the 1st thread suitable (LMX9820)? or any1 u suggest...Do I need to write a bluetooth driver for this purpose ?

about the display, is there any low cost monochrome 300++ X 200++ ultra compact AMLCD display which similar as kopin's Cyberdisplay product ? Can you give some suggestion which crystalfontz prduct meet the criteria above?


CF Tech

Sorry, but we do not provide any displays with bluetooth connections.

To make a graphic LCD work with bluetooth, the graphic LCD box would need to contain the following items:

a) graphic display (we can help with this portion)
b) microcontroller (you would have to design this)
c) bluetooth interface (you would have to design this)
d) power supply & power source (you would have to design this)

To make a character (CFAH*) LCD work with bluetooth, the LCD box would need to contain the following items:

a) character display (we can help with this portion)
b) microcontroller (you would have to design this)
c) bluetooth interface (you would have to design this)
d) power supply & power source (you would have to design this)

To make a serial LCD work with bluetooth, the LCD box would need to contain the following items:

a) serial display (we can help with this prtion)
b) RS-232 to bluetooth interface (you would have to design or specify this)
c) power supply & power source (you would have to design this)

To make a USB LCD work with bluetooth, the LCD box would need to contain the following items:

a) serial display (we can help with this prtion)
b) USB _Host_ (you would have to design or specify this)
c) some connection between the USB host and the bluetooth interface (you would have to design this)
d) power supply & power source (you would have to design this)

In all of these cases, there would be at least some software development required on the PC, the only possible exception being the serial option, which may work with standard software if you can find the serial to bluetooth stuff that has "virtual com port" functionality built into it.