Tech Support Excellence!


New member
Not sure if this is the proper place to post this, but just wanted to acknowledge some more than well deserved recognition to Reider. Over the past 2 to 3 weeks he has been trouble shooting a problem with me being able to display HDD temps on my 3 drives using Speedfan. Not only did he fix the issue, he donated his time, experience and most of all patience in assisting my problem. If crystalfontz hasn't hired you yet they most certainly would and already do benefit from your persistent tech support excellence. Thanks again Reider!
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New member
Thanks very much Asphalt, feedback is highly appreciated, praise is a bonus. On behalf of my fellow Beta Testers, screen testers and CC Admin/Tech can I just say that a lot goes on behind the scenes-in a closed forum re the programs/screens. During which, much fellow help, advice and tips are administered. Without our fellows from the 'screen writers guild' (I like the sound of that!) none of us would achieve anywhere near as much as we do.

I guess we all share the same belief in a product, it is this which bolsters us into producing screens for it. Have fun and download the screen, its sat in 'Screen Requests' waiting for you. Thanks once again, a pleasure helping you.

Anyone else reading this, start suggesting the screens you want to see. We`re only human, we are approachable and we will try to help where we can.

Regards and best wishes,
