To set up a boot screen manually you will need to download and install our 635_WinTest application:
If you have CC2 or another application controlling the CFA635, you will need to close that application prior to starting up 635WinTest. After you launch 635WinTest, you can set up what you would like displayed on each line, the backlight and contrast settings, as well as the state of the four bi-color LEDs.
1* Connect the module to the PC, let it find the module (drivers) and then launch the 635_WinTest application. You can get updated drivers from here:
2* Select the module from the Com port drop down (should auto-select)
3* Click on the Packet Debugger and position the windows so that you have access to both the main window and the packet debugger
4* The Main window should have all four lines of text / data that is displayed on the module. Click into the line that you would like to change, and when you have the text the way you want it, click on the "send" button at the end of the line. You can update 1 or all four lines. After you click on "send" look at the module and determine if that is how you want to have the data displayed. Make any adjustments until you are satisfied.
5* Click onto the packet debugger window
6* In the Packet debugger, select command 4 from the list, MAKE SURE THAT DATA PACKET (FIELD 2
7* Click on 3: Send Packet.
8* Disconnect the USB cable, close 635_WinTest, disconnect the CFA635, then reconnect it - you should now see the boot screen.
If you would like to build a logo, you can use up to 8 custom characters at a time on the CFA635. We do not have a custom character editor for the CFA635 like we do for the CFA634 / 632. You can perform the process by using our 635_WinTest.
Here is how you create a custom character for the CFA635. Custom characters are created using the modules command 009 and then defining characters 000 through 007. The data sent is a mask for one row at a time so the data for command 9 has 8 bytes. (see page 23 of the data sheet)
From right to left, the columns are binary, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32. Sending a 063 to a row will turn on all the pixels in that row, and sending that 063 eight time will result in a solid character. Using 635_WinTest, and using the packet debugger select the command 9, and then enter \000\063\063\063\063\063\063\063\063 and click Send Packet.
Anywhere you have a \000 on the display settings, you will now see a solid box. If you send a \001\063\033\033\033\033\033\033\063 - this will create a "box" for character 001.
To create your characters, it is often easier to create a 6 x 8 grid (graph paper works great for this) and then do the math for each row and then assign the appropriate values for the character. When creating a logo, you will often need more than one customer character. If you wish to use the same character over and over, you will want to do a command 4 to save the values (making sure to clear the data packet). We will often take the logo we are working on in the simplest form and then opening it up in photoshop and then laying a grid over it to see how we can build it.
1* Connect the module to the PC, let it find the module (drivers) and then launch the 635_WinTest application.
2* Select the module from the Com port drop down (should auto-select)
3* Click on the Packet Debugger
4* Load the Custom characters by selecting command 9
5* Click on 3: Send data
6* Clear the data in 2:
*********** As you send the data, the Crystalfontz logo will be replaced by the new custom characters **********************
7* Repeat steps 4 through 6 until you have the characters loaded that you need.
8* After you have loaded all the custom characters into the module you can work with your boot screen.
9* You use the custom characters like regular characters using \000, \001, \005, etc.