SD Card Restore Process

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CF Support

Users wishing to restore their CFA910 to its original state or upgrade the firmware on the microSD card should follow these steps using their Linux PC:

1. Backup any files you wish to save from the MicroSD Card or use a new microSD card.

2. Download the CFA910 SD Card Disk Image you wish to install from the Files section of the CFA910 web page.

3. Insert the MicroSD card you wish to put the new image onto into your PC. (You can use the included USB-to-MicroSD reader.)

4. Unmount any partitions your Linux PC may have mounted on the microSD Card.

5. Uncompress the GZipped card image.
gunzip cfa910.img.gz
6. Write the image to the microSD card media.
sudo dd if=cfa910.img of=/dev/sdX bs=64k
Where '/dev/sdX' is the device on your machine that represents the microSD card. This may take several minutes.

7. Eject the microSD card with the eject command.
sudo eject /dev/sdX
You now have a base microSD card imaged with the downloaded image. You will need to customize it for your board using the MAC address and VCOM voltage listed on the serial number label on your board.

8. Re-insert the microSD card into your PC. This will find the new partitions that are a part of the new image. These are called "cfboot" and "cfroot".

9. On the "cfboot" partition, edit the UBOOT.ENV file replacing the 'ethaddr' value with the MAC address found on your serial number label. Next replace the 'tps65180.vcom_neg_mv' value that is part of the 'bootargs' value with the VCOM voltage found on your serial number value. Specify that value as an absolute value in millivolts. Example: VCOM: -1.28 would become tps65180.vcom_neg_mv=1280

9.1. On a CFA910 that does not have a touch screen, create an empty file at "/etc/notouch" in the "cfroot" partition. This will disable the touch screen calibration software.

10. Save the UBOOT.ENV and eject the microSD card. It is now ready for use. Please note that the first boot may take several minutes while the system configures itself for the the first time.
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