Screen Help: Show total on LCD for retail purchase (POS)


New member
Using 632 lcd display for POS

I am looking to display the total amount to pay for the customer.

We have 3 stores using quickbooks but not the point of sale..the Profesional version.

For the moment what i need to find is a screen just to display the total amount, easy like copy and paste or type numbers and appears on this screen..

I am using the Crystal Control, but for the people in the store is kind of complicated, maybe any simple VB aplication showing
"Total Amount is:" (first line)
" $125.33 " (second line)

somebody can give any idea..
Thanks :)
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New member
Aplication for retail store only display 2 lines amount and total to paid

am looking to display the total amount to pay for the customer.

We have 3 stores using quickbooks but not the point of sale..the Profesional version.

For the moment what i need is to find is a screen just to display the total amount, easy like copy and paste or type numbers and appears on this screen..

I am using the Crystal Control, but for the people in the store is kind of complicated, maybe any simple Visual Basic aplication showing
"Total Amount is:" (first line)
" $125.33 " (second line)

somebody can give any idea..

CF Tech

If you used an "XE":

and CrystalControl 2 with the "Text File" plugin, it should be easy for your VB program to just write to the text file. Alternatively, your VB program could also just write directly to the display (no Crystal Control needed).

Are you looking for someone to write the VB application, or can you do that?

Is the information "Total Amount is:"," $125.33 " available in a file on the disk or can it be pulled out or QB through an API or something?

If you are fine having the employees doing a copy/paste, you could do it with WinTest, or the CC2+Text file plugin. The employee could keep the text file open in Notepad, edit the "amount" line, and then do a Ctrl+S (save). The text file plugin would then update the display with the text.


If you can create a simple text file that contains the information you want to display, you can use the 632 (or 634) CrystalControl2 screen from this thread:

Since you will need a quick screen update, as the text file changes, you will need to change the following in the screen file:

opt06="update_time=10000" Change this something like 50, which I believe is milliseconds
opt07="file_name=C:\\gifs\\CF_CC-text.txt" Change this what you want the file to be named

This may not be exactly what you want/need but it is a starting point to help us lead you to what you need in the end.

Start with this, see how it works, and ask us what else you need to integrate for your application. OK?



New member
Hello everybody,

thank you for the information, I have no idea if we can use an API or something
to get the amount directly from QuickBooks, but if you have an idea in mind,
please let me know :) even better, if you have the code :-D

We bought the model 632. Do you know anybody who could help us with this application please ?
It would be of great help.

Thanks a lot in advance


Sorry, my expertise ends with CC2 screens. How to get the quickbooks data into a text file would have to up to someone else...



New member
Wow Great is working perfect, We did a Visual Basic Screen only just to enter the number and Write in the .txt file.
Now we are going to buy the box for protect it, and that's it.
Thanks for your help.! it was very usefull.


New member
ok still a little something... :)

in order to make it "real-time" display, I need to change the 'update-time' parameter, but it doesn't work. I can change the value from 1 to 10,000 it still takes the same amount of time to display on the screen when modifying the "CF_CC-text.txt" file...

What should I check to make it work properly ?

Thank you ;-)


FWIW, when you first add a new screen, CC2 reads the original screen file, translates it, and updates several .ini files.


You need to change the screen text file, delete the screen from CC2, and add it back for changes to take effect.

