program 632 with a PIC


New member
Hi, does anyone know how to program the 632 series serial lcd with the PIC18F2320 microcontroller? It has serial outputs, but I don't know how to do it.

Thank you,

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CF Tech

If you close JPB and JPE on the CFA-632, then you can connect the "DATA_IN" pin of the CFA-632 directly to the "UART Tx" pin of the PIC.

Then set the PIC's uart to 19200,8,N,1 and when you write a byte to the UART's transmit register ('A' for example) it will show up on the LCD.
USB LCD Displays - Graphic and Character LCDs with a Keypad


New member
another quick question..

Are those labels for 2 of the nine pins? Or extra pins which are on the board?


New member
temperature limits

Hi, does the 632 series lcd come in a high-temperature range, for say the inside of a car where it gets very hot ?

CF Tech

The labels refer to the "J2" connector, since most often in embedded controller applications you want to solder directly to the board, or use a connector that is lower profile than than the molded DB-9.

It does not officially come in a high-temp version. But I have seen them work fine after being very hot (well . . . once they cool down from their "black-out"). It would be out of warranty under those conditions though.