Problems with 634


New member

I've just got my new display installed, but I'm having some problems getting it to show something.

I've installed Crystalfontz CrystalControl program, but I can't get it to show anything. The only thing showing is a blinking character in the top left corner....wierd...

Anybody got any ideas ?
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New member

I've checked the baud rate, and it's set to 9600 by the dib switches, and 9600 on my com port.

I've also tried wintest, but again - the only thing happening is that the display lights up, shows Crystalfontz text and then again a blinking character in the top left corner...


CF Tech

OK. Assuming that you have the correct cable.

Does the display power on if the serial cable is not connected at all?

If the serial cable must be connected in order for the display to be powered on, then opening or closing the port in WinTest should turn the display on or off.


New member
The display only powers when I use Wintest or the CC software.

And if I try to make a scrolling banner in Wintest nothing happens. It's like the only thing working, is that I can turn it on - and off.

I'm currently using my other COM port for something else - can this be the problem ??
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CF Tech

If the display turns on and off depending on if WinTest has the com port open or closed, then at least some of the lines from the correct serial port are making it to the display.

When the display first powers up, does it show a "splash" screen just before it goes to the blinking block? If so try setting WinTest to the same baud rate. In fact just try typing several things at each of the baud rates in WinTest. Hopefully one of those will work.

If that test gets nothing, please disable the other serial device's software and connect the LCD to the other serial port and try WinTest on that port.


New member
By splash screen I'm assuming you mean the Crystalfontz "welcome" screen - or what you migth call it ?

I've now tried to connect to the other com port, and also without the other com device connected. But without result.

Does it matter that the com ports are on an internal PCI adaptor ?

My Mobo is Abit IC7 Max3, and is not fitted with com ports, so I had to buy a PCI card.

Any new ideas ?? I'm blank... :confused:

CF Tech

I don't think the PCI bit should matter, but you never know. Is there another system that has motherboard COM ports you could try it on?

Otherwise we can work out getting it back here to check it out or replace it.


New member
I'm going to try to connect it to one of my other machines, and see if I can get it to work there.

I'll get back to you on how it turns out!


New member

Ok, I've tried connecting the display to another computer, and it seems to be working.

This must mean that there's a problem with my display and my PCI COM port card.

CF Tech

OK. Good to have that information.

I think a PCI RS-232 card would typically need drivers. Can you verify that you have the correct drivers loaded? Maybe start with the PCI card manufacturer's web site to see if there are new drivers there.


New member
Well...looks like I have the newest drivers Installed. I've ordered an USB -> to -> Serial cable. It looks like that is the only alternative.

I just hope that the Crystalfontz USB drivers will work.

I'll get back to you all on how it turns out.


New member

Ok, finally I got the converter, and guess what! it did the trick :)

So in conclusion : Don't buy PCI COM port cards, unless you are certain that it works with 634!

CF Tech

I am glad you found a solution. I think it is vert odd that the PCI card did not work. I used to have one in my PC and it worked OK with 634s. :confused: