About a month ago I downloaded the lcdproc CVS tarball and started modifying it to use the 633's fan and sensor capabilities. I've brought my version to a point where I feel that I could share my work without writhing in embarassment... my 4 college credits in C from 14 years ago leaves me wondering...
The lcdproc site ( says 2004-7-21:
"We have received a GPL'ed version of the interfacing code for the CF631/633 from Brent Crosby at Crystal Fontz. This means that all copyright issues have been resolved and we can continue working on the driver. Thanks a lot Brent!"
Being a stickler for dotting i's and crossing t's and what can be well said in a court of law, I just want to verify that I may share a modification under the GPL.
The lcdproc site ( says 2004-7-21:
"We have received a GPL'ed version of the interfacing code for the CF631/633 from Brent Crosby at Crystal Fontz. This means that all copyright issues have been resolved and we can continue working on the driver. Thanks a lot Brent!"
Being a stickler for dotting i's and crossing t's and what can be well said in a court of law, I just want to verify that I may share a modification under the GPL.
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