1. How about having a place to plug in the computers power and reset switch to the 636 which would then replace the green check box and red x box on the faceplate of the crystalfontz device?
2. Have external leds (both small and regular size) that can change colours, which can be used to replace the HD and Power, led on a computer.
2b. Be able to plug in both the HD and Power from the motherboard to the 636? and have that control the two leds in the default mode but then be able to be configured differently when the software starts running.
1. When the computer is off and the user presses the power button on the computer then the computer turns on.
2. When the user presses the power button while the computer is running and the computers power button is set in it's default mode then the computer turns off.
3. When the user presses the power button while the computer is running and the software has kicks in and actively pings the 636? then send a command to the software where might log the user off but not turn the computer off.
1. When the computer first starts, the power led lights up.
2. When the computer is running and the software kicks in then the green led turns blue and remains off until new email arrives.
3. Same for the HD led.
1. When the software turns off or crashes then the led will turn green and will remain on and the HD led will turn orange and only blink when there's HD activity. Also, the power button will turn off the computer and the reset button will reset the machine.
BTW, with the way that my Crystalfontz display is setup, I've actually though about going in and programming one or all of the fans and temp settings to run the leds and power button. I press the power button which isn't connected to anything at the momment and that sends a temp of say 0 degrees c to the unit. Alternativly having the fan work from 0 to 99% but leave the 100% for turning on and off the light by using a microchip. So this could also be used as a external module for any of the CF supporting both fans and temp sensors though there would have to be a lot of software rewrite unless there was a way to turn off the module maybe by sending 99% 100% 99% 100% (module OFF) 98% 100% 98% 100% (module on) to fan1. Who knows.