New 635 not working (broken?) [Solved]
I juste bought a CFA-635 along with the SCAB extension. Put everything in my box (linux). I can boot using the keypad so this part is OK.
However, I don't have any bootscreen... Only at boot the screen flashes (backlight) then nothing.
Under Linux, the lcd is recognized, modules loaded, and the test program says it's communicating. But nothing is displayed.
I plugged it on my Windows laptop, installed drivers,... The screen is recognized and initialized.
When I use the Wintest program, I can control the leds, change backlight setting, change the contrast so I can say each pixel is OK, but... that's all! Whatever text I send, nothing is displayed.
Broken? Not initialized? Help me please, my HTPC is almost complete (frontend for MythTV), this is the last part.
I juste bought a CFA-635 along with the SCAB extension. Put everything in my box (linux). I can boot using the keypad so this part is OK.
However, I don't have any bootscreen... Only at boot the screen flashes (backlight) then nothing.
Under Linux, the lcd is recognized, modules loaded, and the test program says it's communicating. But nothing is displayed.
I plugged it on my Windows laptop, installed drivers,... The screen is recognized and initialized.
When I use the Wintest program, I can control the leds, change backlight setting, change the contrast so I can say each pixel is OK, but... that's all! Whatever text I send, nothing is displayed.
Broken? Not initialized? Help me please, my HTPC is almost complete (frontend for MythTV), this is the last part.
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