New 632 - DOA?


New member
Hiya. I just purchased a PDBK632YMCB kit. I cannot get any activity from the display at all. I am not sure if the unit is defective, but here is what I can tell you:

- The display remains completely dark, with and without power. No splash screen, no backlight, no _ cursor, no boxes, nothing.
- Nothing ever displays on the LCD. Ever.
- I am using the components (serial cable and power cable) supplied.

Standard ESD precautions during unpacking and installation were exercised. I was careful to ensure that exposed conductors on the display did not touch the pc's chassis.

Tested unit on multiple PCs, same results.

Is there some way for me to test the display or components on the PCB? Is my unit dead in the water?
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CF Tech

Please try this test:

Connect the backlight power cable only (do not connect the serial).

Power on your computer.

CAREFULLY short between pins 2 & 3 of the power connector. This will supply the +5v that is going to the backlight to the LCD as well:

The backlight should come on and the boot screen should show for a few seconds.

Please let me know what happens.


New member
Thank you for your reply, however as a warranty/RMA issue I would like to hear it from the horses mouth first :)

CF Tech

MWP is on track. Isolating would be good. Mainly to have good access to the pins.

You do not want to short 300 watts into anything . . .


New member
Isolated unit and carefully shorted 2 and 3 as you instructed. The backlight came on for a split second, and then the pin 2 pcb trace smoked. :(

PSU meters at +4.99 volts on the red wire with my fluke 80 series III.

Thanks for your help guys...looks like I'm SOL but the assistance and clarity of instruction you have given is great.

CF Tech

Smoke. Hmmm. That can't be good. There must be a short to ground somewhere else on the +5v traces.

It was unhooked from everything? Ugggh!

Well, please write for an RMA :confused:, we will get another one on its way to you.
USB LCD Displays - Graphic and Character LCDs with a Keypad


New member

Yep, smoked :( Unit was isolated on a piece of cardboard and the only thing hooked up was the power cable. My cam isn't nearly as good as yours but there it is.

RMA request sent.