my first mod 633 mounting


New member
Hey all,

I realise this isnt a monster impressive mod but well its my first ,

Basically i just couldnt get the "aluminium Effect" out of my head so plumped for making my own.

here it is allmost finished

Lesson i learned from this= 15 year old handskills are never as good as you remember them being.
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New member

Printed out the 633pdf from crystalfonts and measured it up against the actual module, i cut out the display area and keypad holes with a craft knife and taped the template to the front of the spare Coolermaster blanking plate and marked out the material that was to be removed.

I Used my new toy (Dremmel) to rough cut the slot for the actual lcd area and scared myself stupid, allmost reverted to a hacksaw .

Drilled pilot holes in the center's of al the keypad area's and then chewed out a little more with a tungsten dremmel bit till there was enough room to get the handtools in.

At this point i put the dremmel away and began to breath normally :)

all the rest of the work was done with small hand files mostly just a Flat and a square with some half round work on the thin corner's of the holes .

The 633 isnt mounted fully yet as i couldnt find any small bolts in my local store , planning to epoxy them to the faceplate on the inside so i dont have to have anything showing on the front face.

The reason the 633 is mounted offset right is so the display area is centered above the 2x3.5 slots in the case.
(cos thats where a 634 is going to live)



CF Mark

Very well done...

Ive tried cutting out the 633 button holes in 2mm perspex... didnt work out too well :(