Looking For A Kind Soul (CFAL25664C0-021M-W)


New member
I've started a project of turning an old stereo receiver into an HTPC.

I want to display Kodi information on the front so I bought a couple 256x64 Grayscale Graphic OLED's (CFAL25664C0-021M-W)

And a couple connector boards to attach them to an Arduino.

I've never done anything like this before and was incredibly excited to learn about Arduinos, displays, and how they work together.

I bought that OLED because it said it was I2C. Surely if it only needs 4 wires, I could figure it out.

After looking through the Datasheet and the Arduino/Seeeduino Demo Code I thought I learned how to do it.

OLED Arduino

Pin Pin
18 to D9
19 to D10
22 to D13
23 to D11
3.3v to 12or15
Ground 10or11

But I was mistaken. Wiring it like that doesn’t work.

I'm hoping a kind and knowledgeable soul here would straight up tell me which pins on the OLED go to which pins in the Arduino Micro or Uno.

Thanks in advance to those who are helpful.
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CF Kelsey

Staff member
Hi, I'd suggest using 4-wire SPI to start out since that's detailed in our demo code. Unless you've rewritten the write data and write command functions for I2C, the demo code doesn't support I2C.

The pin out you'll want is
OLED : Arduino
17 : D8 (CS)
18 : D9 (Reset)
19 : D10 (D/C)
22 : D13 (SCLK)
23 : D11 (SDIN)

Plus power and ground. I don't see you mention the high voltage of 12v in your description. You'll need to supply VOLED, the display power voltage externally since arduinos only provide up to 5v.

Another issue you may run in to is that name brand Arduino Unos use 5v logic so the voltages coming from D8, D9 etc, are 5v while the display can handle a maximum of 3.3v. That's why we use and recommend Seeeduinos which have switchable logic voltage levels.


New member

Thanks, CF Kelsey!

I haven't rewritten anything yet. That's the next thing I was planning on learning after getting this cool little display to work. (I know nothing)

Thanks so much for posting the pinout! It'll be easier for me to learn from that .

I was thinking this was a 3.3v display and did not think this very tiny display would require 12v power. No wonder it doesn't turn on.

Thanks for the heads up on Arduino voltage kicking out 5v. I did not know that and will definitely be grabbing a Seeeduinos.

CF Kelsey is the best.

CF Kelsey

Staff member
No problem! If supplying the 12v is an issue for you, but soldering is something you can do, you can pick up one of our CFA10102 adapter boards that has an on-board voltage booster.


New member
Soldering is something I can do pretty well. (Who knew! LOL)

I did see that adapter board, but it looked to be too big for this project. If only I had your friendly knowledge back at the beginning of this project, I would have got it anyways.

For now I think I'll just take the 12v from the PC power supply, I guess.

Thanks for that suggestion! The way my luck has been turning out for this, I most likely will end up having to get that adapter anyways.