Before examples are discussed here, I would refer you to daks user contributed winamp screens. Open the screen files and note the [event] sections. This is how you program screen specific keypad commands.
You can also program module specific keypad commands, keypad events to control other modules, etc. In my case, I use the 635 left/right keypad to scroll thru my 634 screens.
Life is easier if you program module specific commands (you don't have to know id #'s).
This is also true when programming SCAB screens (see jdgordon's example). In my case, the SCAB that controls my computer fans is attached to my 631. I display SCAB info on my 634 and 635. Consequently, I do not use the [modxx] code.
In otherwords, I have a somewhat complicated keypad structure that I would not want to confuse you with.
Speaking of confused, are you totally confused yet?
Since I use id #'s, I would appreciate it if daks, redeir, or jdgordon upload an example using the [modxx] command.
Once they do, I am sure that more questions and requests will be generated.
Come on guys, let's get these users using the keypad!
You can also program module specific keypad commands, keypad events to control other modules, etc. In my case, I use the 635 left/right keypad to scroll thru my 634 screens.
Life is easier if you program module specific commands (you don't have to know id #'s).
This is also true when programming SCAB screens (see jdgordon's example). In my case, the SCAB that controls my computer fans is attached to my 631. I display SCAB info on my 634 and 635. Consequently, I do not use the [modxx] code.
In otherwords, I have a somewhat complicated keypad structure that I would not want to confuse you with.
Speaking of confused, are you totally confused yet?
Since I use id #'s, I would appreciate it if daks, redeir, or jdgordon upload an example using the [modxx] command.
Once they do, I am sure that more questions and requests will be generated.
Come on guys, let's get these users using the keypad!
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