J8 (jumper on the 634) Inverts?


New member
I was looking at the back of the board ... J8? Open = Pos, Closed = Inverted. What would happen if I close the jumper? Make it like the 634 negitive backlit?

Just curious - I thought I'd ask before frying it :)

(btw: Just ordered another PDBK634LGA - cant have too many)
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CF Tech

J8 inverts the logic of the RS-232 signal. It can be useful when the display is connected to an embedded microcontroller's UART Tx port pin without an intervening RS-232 level converter.

It does not change the appearance of the display (well except for adding an "i" to the baud rate on the splash screen :) .)

CF Tech

mmmmm nice set of . . . . PCs you have there :)

I think the black on yellow looks best against the lighter case.


New member
Hey Draw6, I have a computer case just like the ones shown. I cant remember who makes it though. Do you happen to know?



New member
I bought those in August and I already forgot - they did have a name though. - not some generic cases.