I've written a Python class to control a 635USB. (It can be found here).
It's still a work in progress - I don't have keypress handling done yet, and so far I'm not unpacking the return packets from the LCD, just waiting. Everything seems to work fine - clearing screen, writing text, controlling LEDs, etc.*except* for changing the backlight, which does nothing.
The packet it's sending is command 0xE, data length 1, data 0x32, CRC 0xDD9E. Is there something special about the backlight packet that I need to know (and didn't see in the protocol docs)?
It's still a work in progress - I don't have keypress handling done yet, and so far I'm not unpacking the return packets from the LCD, just waiting. Everything seems to work fine - clearing screen, writing text, controlling LEDs, etc.*except* for changing the backlight, which does nothing.
The packet it's sending is command 0xE, data length 1, data 0x32, CRC 0xDD9E. Is there something special about the backlight packet that I need to know (and didn't see in the protocol docs)?
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