Is there a signed driver for CF635USB for ..


New member
....Vista 64bit?
If not when will it become available?
This is the only piece of hardware that I have that does not work..
I know the beta driver works but as soon as I update Vista, the work around does not work anymore and
frankly, I'm not interested in running my machine in "testmode" . The bigger problem is that I use the 635 to control my fans for my watercooling rig.... Just hope it's not become an expensive paper weight...

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Hi Junior,

What drivers are you using?

I would suggest that you get the drivers from this thread: It has been quite awhile since I have had to install them, so I honestly cannot remember if they come with a non-WHQL warning or not. But they work perfectly for me, and no warnings of any kind during start-up.

BTW, I forgot to mention that I use Vista 64, also.


New member
Thank you very much

I was using the beta R2154_64 from the USB download page.
That driver was working well ..... until M$ decided to enforce the driver signature at load time (SP1).
The only way I had to get it to load was to press F8 and choose the disable signature at boot time.

I'm rebooting now.... Hopefully the new one will load at startup.
