I want to get a 634, what do i have to buy?


New member
As title, i would like a total list of stuff that i would need, and if possible prices for each??
I am in the UK, is delivery here a problem? how long will it take?
Do u do any bundles with all u need to get it running?
I want to get the LCD visable through my window in my case (see pic)

Any help here would be cool, sorry about all the Q's :)
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New member
Lemme try to help you :):

Well now , shipping to UK should be no problem using FedEX , it took like 30 hours here to Germany so I guess it either takes like 25-35 hours to get to you in the UK.

You can decide what kind of LCD you want.
You can decide whether to take one with bracket or without.

The bracket is there to make the LCD installable in 2 5.25 " (inch) slots.

Hope I could help :D

(I didn't really understand the question regarding the window , sorry :))


New member
thanks, but do i need to buy any cables? or do any soldering? I want whatever is easiest to install, i work as an IT technician, and dont like having to so work like tasks outside work :)
So, if i could get a more complete answer with EVERYTHING i need, from purchasing to installing, any tools i might need, extra parts.
I basically want a shopping list, if u know what i mean :)

CF Tech

This cart will get you everything you need to connect the LCD. If you just mounted it behind your window you would be done. You could use some adhesive or double-sided tape or get fancier with screws, spacers and nuts.


New member
The postage thingy would not work, i could not get i to mail to me here in the UK!!
pls help me!!!
I need this up and running by 15th November (only 12 days left)
I have got a big computer event on 16th-18th :)
Any help would be cool, if u need my address and stuff, pls mail me at cs_mental@hotmail.com
thanx again :0
USB LCD Displays - Graphic and Character LCDs with a Keypad

CF Tech

The postage thingy would not work, i could not get i to mail to me here in the UK!!
Hello -

We ship to the UK frequently. :) We ship using FedEx International Priority, and it is only one day (overnight) to most locations. Shipping for most orders is $26USD to the UK.

Please place your order as usual using the secure server. For ship options, select "Special Instructions" and then type in that you pre-approve shipping to the UK for $26 to expedite your order. Without the pre-approval, we need to email you first to confirm the ship rate.

If you have any questions about international shipping, please click here .


New member
Gah, now the thing wont accept my debit card, i can wire money from my account, is there any way i can do this to the company to pay for it direct?
Sorry about all these problems, its just i dont have a credit card :(


New member
Isn't it possible to pay it when the LCD arrives with FedEX?
(I somehow had to pay like .. 14-15 USD but never mind)

Because I think that does work actually and that would help you out.
Otherwhise you should talk to Crystalfontz directly about other possibilites.

CF Tech

Isn't it possible to pay it when the LCD arrives with FedEX?
It is possible to pay when the item is delivered (COD, or Cash On Delivery), but only in the US -- sorry. This isn't available for international orders.

Other options for international orders without a credit card:

1) Wire transfer - transfer funds from your bank to our bank directly. There is a $15 wire fee added to your order to cover the bank charges for this service.

2) Cashier's check or Money Order sent regular mail to us. Once the funds are received, your order is processed and shipped.

On a sidenote...many people use debit cards (Visa/Mastercard) on the secure server with NO problem. Please email us if you are having difficulty.


New member
I have a SOLO debit card, i dont think they are recognised in the US :(
I can wire the money to you shortly, probably tommorow, or l8r on tonight, the only thing is, once i have wired it, how do u know that it is from me, and for that particular order. I presume that u then pay the delivery charge fromt he money i have sent u?