Help with CFAH4004A-YYB-JP


New member
OK so i baught this thing awhile back and am just now getting around to hooking it up. I know I know the CFAH lcds arent good for interfacing to computers but it can be done i know and have seen it done. I know my wireing is correct (checked it athousand and one times with a metter) heres the problen when i run crystal control on any other prog. only the top half seemes to "boot". now as in boot i mean the blocks are on the top line then disaoear. the bottom line does not however.

What could cause this? i figured it must be somthing on pin 17 on lpt side "enable 2" but i'm not sure...... any sugestions?

ps sorry for the spelling....
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Character LCD Modules


New member
right the first and 3rd lines are but the third and forth never change....when sending 4 lines of data usiny crystalcontrol or your test software i get ony 2 lines of text then block thing on the third line and that never changes......


New member
well i purchaced this and 3 other lcds and well looks like i am gonna ditch them for a nice big matrix orbital........ sorry i thought the crystal fontz were great untill only 2 of them worked.... nice suport to heh. oh well......... i geuss................ Any sugestions before i decide to leave?

PS i really don't want to go to the evil MO but seeing that i cant get anyhelp here what am i supose to do???
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New member
I0I0I00I0I said:
well i purchaced this and 3 other lcds and well looks like i am gonna ditch them for a nice big matrix orbital........ sorry i thought the crystal fontz were great untill only 2 of them worked.... nice suport to heh. oh well......... i geuss................ Any sugestions before i decide to leave?

PS i really don't want to go to the evil MO but seeing that i cant get anyhelp here what am i supose to do???
well suit yourself, but:
there are many warnings that the CF non-serial non-usb LCDs are NOT for the average do-it-yourselfer. and if you broke 1 out of 4 CF lcds, you'll probably break one out of every four matrix orbital lcds you try to hook up as well.
also, a "nice big matrix orbital"? CF is king of the huge displays :D


New member
i checked my wireing several times with a good fluke analog meter.... i know about crystal fontz having the largest displays but i didn't seem to see any software for it. Anyhow i am not that new to this type of stuff either infact i built an mp3 player a similar 2x20 lcd.... if i broke it i broke it but i don't understand how i broke it thats my bigest consern......
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CF Mark

It seems the normal Crystalfontz support guys have been busy all week. I think they have been moving their office/factory to a new location. Thats the reason for slow replies.

If the top half works and the second doesnt, itll be because the second enable line must not be working correctly.
The fact that it displays blocks on powerup means that the LCD sould be ok.

If wintest does work on the top half but not on the bottom, it means its not a speed problem so we can rule that out.

Your sure you have pin15 (enable2) on the LCD connected to pin17 on the parallel port?

If your 100% sure, im thinking it could be that your printer port is damaged.
See if you can get hold of a logic probe, and make sure the enable2 pin on the LCD is getting signals.

Im running a CFAH4004A here myself, so i can verify CrystalControl works with it,


New member
well i am trying to find a probe for it but i dont think its my prort could it be a bad connection on the board?? anyway thanks for the suport i was really getin frustrated there