I've got a 20x4 parallel character LCD (CFAH2004A-TMI-JP) that I need to interface with a PIC18F452, and it's not going so well... it seems that the busy flag is never clear (0). I've tried my own code, I've tried code that's worked with another HD44780 compatible LCD (20x2 though), code posted on the internet, modified code from the internet, etc., and it all seems to stall forever while waiting for the busy flag to clear (ie. a while(lcd_read_byte() & 0x80); loop never exits).
I've run out of ideas. Any help, suggestions, comments, code, etc. would be greatly appreciated.
I've checked and double checked and had someone else check for incorrect wiring and shorts and such, but couldn't find anything. The LCD module turns on, two white bars appear (but don't go away, is that normal?). The contrast is adjustable through a 10k potentiometer. I've tried both 4-bit and 8-bit modes. I don't know what else to try. Again, any sort of help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
(I also have a 128x64 parallel graphical LCD (CFAG12864B-TMI-V) which I was going to try and use in the future, so any suggestions on that would be appreciated too)
I've got a 20x4 parallel character LCD (CFAH2004A-TMI-JP) that I need to interface with a PIC18F452, and it's not going so well... it seems that the busy flag is never clear (0). I've tried my own code, I've tried code that's worked with another HD44780 compatible LCD (20x2 though), code posted on the internet, modified code from the internet, etc., and it all seems to stall forever while waiting for the busy flag to clear (ie. a while(lcd_read_byte() & 0x80); loop never exits).
I've run out of ideas. Any help, suggestions, comments, code, etc. would be greatly appreciated.
I've checked and double checked and had someone else check for incorrect wiring and shorts and such, but couldn't find anything. The LCD module turns on, two white bars appear (but don't go away, is that normal?). The contrast is adjustable through a 10k potentiometer. I've tried both 4-bit and 8-bit modes. I don't know what else to try. Again, any sort of help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
(I also have a 128x64 parallel graphical LCD (CFAG12864B-TMI-V) which I was going to try and use in the future, so any suggestions on that would be appreciated too)
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