How do I make this work? I've tried two JC screens that use it: Date-Time-Uptime & jc Date-Time-Uptime-ani. These came w/ the new version of CC2. In both cases, the "Uptime:" part works, but the time & date are showing those dreaded [E01]'s. On the latter, the animated clock icon works, also.
From looking at the text in the screen files themselves, I can see that the "Uptime:" has a hard-coded ID# which matches that in the cc2_service.ini file. Now, in either case, do the date & time ID#'s have to match those in the jdg_time.ini file? And finally, what are these lines in the screen files that say something like, opt01="id=@01"? Variables?
BTW: I apologize for asking for so much help, but I'm trying to learn how the coding works and how to juggle all these ID#'s.
From looking at the text in the screen files themselves, I can see that the "Uptime:" has a hard-coded ID# which matches that in the cc2_service.ini file. Now, in either case, do the date & time ID#'s have to match those in the jdg_time.ini file? And finally, what are these lines in the screen files that say something like, opt01="id=@01"? Variables?
BTW: I apologize for asking for so much help, but I'm trying to learn how the coding works and how to juggle all these ID#'s.
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