I'm tring to get the text previously written in the four lines of 635 lcd in Linux using C.
I have the pdf datasheet manual:
10 (0x0A): Read 8 Bytes of LCD Memory
This command will return the contents of the LCD’s DDRAM or CGRAM. This command is intended for debugging.
type = 0x0A = 1010
valid data_length is 1
data[0] = address code of desired data
data[0] is the address code native to the LCD controller:
0x40 ( 64) to 0x7F (127) for CGRAM
0x80 (128) to 0x93 (147) for DDRAM, line 0
0xA0 (160) to 0xB3 (179) for DDRAM, line 1
0xC0 (192) to 0xD3 (211) for DDRAM, line 2
0xE0 (224) to 0xF3 (243) for DDRAM, line 3
The return packet will be:
type = 0x40 | 0x0A = 0x4A = 7410
data_length = 9
data[0]of the return packet will be the address code.
data[1-8] of the return packet will be the data read from the LCD controller's memory.
but, How can I get the bytes after calling send_packet() method?
The check_for_packet() method returns true, but I don't know how retrieve the data...
I'm tring to get the text previously written in the four lines of 635 lcd in Linux using C.
I have the pdf datasheet manual:
10 (0x0A): Read 8 Bytes of LCD Memory
This command will return the contents of the LCD’s DDRAM or CGRAM. This command is intended for debugging.
type = 0x0A = 1010
valid data_length is 1
data[0] = address code of desired data
data[0] is the address code native to the LCD controller:
0x40 ( 64) to 0x7F (127) for CGRAM
0x80 (128) to 0x93 (147) for DDRAM, line 0
0xA0 (160) to 0xB3 (179) for DDRAM, line 1
0xC0 (192) to 0xD3 (211) for DDRAM, line 2
0xE0 (224) to 0xF3 (243) for DDRAM, line 3
The return packet will be:
type = 0x40 | 0x0A = 0x4A = 7410
data_length = 9
data[0]of the return packet will be the address code.
data[1-8] of the return packet will be the data read from the LCD controller's memory.
but, How can I get the bytes after calling send_packet() method?
The check_for_packet() method returns true, but I don't know how retrieve the data...
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