CrystalControl2 - 17/12/2004 (get it here)

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CF Mark

CrystalControl2 - 17/12/2004

CrystalControl2 - 17/12/2004
Service Version: V1.00
Configure Version: V1.00

Click here to download CrystalControl2

If you are installing CrystalControl2 for the first time, it is suggested that you read the "Installing the Software" section of the manual.
A downloadable version of the manual can be found here.

Version History:
17/12/2004 (SV-1.00, CV-1.00):
- First public release

See below for updates
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CF Mark

Attached to this post is the new screens that support FRAPS version 2.5.0.

Extract the contents of the ZIP file into your "cc2-config\screens\Fraps" directory.


CF Mark

Attached is the two DLLs that are required by CrystalControl2 that are not included with Windows.

If you have problems with CrystalControl2 or some of the plugins loading, extract the contents of the ZIP file to your "c:\windows\system32" directory.
If the files already exist, do not overwrite them.


CF Mark

Attached is the updated cc2_process.dll plugin file.
It fixes problems with FRAPS FPS readings among other things.

Download and copy the file into your "cc2-service" directory overwriting the old one.
You will need to stop CrystalControl2 first.


CF Mark

Attached is updated LCD plugin dll files for all supported module types.

631/633 - New com port settings, different default stats log file names.
632/634 - New com port settings, fixes serial LCD display problems.
HD44780/HD44780d - Now logs on CANIO init failiures.

It is recommended everyone update to these new plugins.

To install, stop CrystalControl2 and extract the contents of this ZIP file into the "cc2-service" directory overwriting the existing files.


CF Mark

Attached is an updated games plugin which supports Halflife and CounterStrike Source.

Stop CrystalControl2 then copy the file into your "cc2-service" directory overwriting the older version.


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