Creating an API for the 631


New member
We're using the 631 in our product and will be displaying system status info on this panel. I'm going to write an API to let other developers write messages to the panel. I also want to provide an interface to the buttons, allowing them to be used in some manner, such as scrolling the messages that have been sent to the LCD panel. Writing to the panel is easy enough since it is just basic serial I/O. Is there any sample code available that demonstrates how to work with the buttons on the panel?
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New member
I'm replying to my own post. I have since found many many threads on this subject. Didn't realize it was just a hot subject. I'd like to get a beta of this mysterious v2 butit seems they are not accepting beta testers any more...


New member
I'm using Windows. The test program will suffice, although it would be great if you included a DLL with the product that encapsulates the underlying protocol used to communicate with the panel. I would think a lot of people would find that very useful.
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