CPU display is off by about 25% or so.


New member
I just installed CC2 under XP Pro and it looks nice. The strange thing however is that the CPU % is always off by around 25-50%. I can close CC2 and fire up CC1 and CPU performance stats are fine. Is CC2 looking at a differenct CPU perf counter then CC1?


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CF Mark

CrystalControl2 shows "User Time" which is how much CPU time applications are using that were started by the user.
AFAIK, this doesnt include the CPU time services use.

This could be making the difference.


New member
That makes sense that it's using the "User Time". I don't mean to sound facetious here, but why would you want to use "User Time" vs. "Processor Time"? If you are running a virus scan or compressing a Divx or some other background application, your CPU might be pegged but the "User Time" stat might say 50 or 60%.

That being said, could you please inform me how to get CC2 to display "Processor Time". Admittedly, I'm not exactly a wiz at programming, but I putzed around with both the CPU screen file as well as the CC2_perfmon.ini but can't seem to figure out how to get the CPU stat to display properly. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Any chance we might see some documentation for modifying screen parameters?

Thanks much and great job on CC2! I've had my 631 for many months (maybe a year even) and have been extremely happy with it.

CF Mark


In the CPU bargraph, etc screen files (edit them with notepad), youll see a line that looks like:

opt02="full_name=\Process(_Total)\% User Time"

edit this line and change the the text after "full_name" to:

\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time

so the resulting line will look like:

opt02="full_name=\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time"

Save the screen in notepad, then add that screen file like normal in the CC2 config.

It should now give the reading your used to...


New member
Oddly enough, I already tried replacing "User Time" with "Processor Time" in the screen files, but what happens is that the CPU display sits at 100% even at idle and durring activitiy it goes down.

Is there some other calculation going on within the screen coniguration? Perfmon shows "Processor Time" correctly so I'm assuming all the conters are reading correctly. I notice the screen configs refrence the cc2_perfmon.ini file which contains profile information. Do I also need to make a modification in this file?




I just changed my screens as noted by CC admin and they work as advertiesed.

I am not sure why yours works opposite:confused:

You should not have to edit the cc2_perfmon.ini file, CC2 does this for you.

I am glad you noticed this, because I had not. CPU usuage does seem to hoover around 2 - 3% now (background programs), when it used to go to 0%, when everything else was idle.:)

A note to CC2 admin: I may have missed it somewhere (I may have even asked about it before!), but is there any listing of parameters used in cc2_perfmon.ini? It seems to add parameters as needed, but the referance file in the \plugin-info directory is very sparce with actual options.:(


CF Mark

It sounds like Dave tried this instead:

opt02="full_name=\Process(_Total)\% Processor Time"

which is different from the line i sugested:

opt02="full_name=\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time"

The one he tried includes the CPU usage of the XP idle process, so it is always stuck at 100% or close to it.


CrystalControl Admin said:
It sounds like Dave tried this instead:

opt02="full_name=\Process(_Total)\% Processor Time"

which is different from the line i sugested:

opt02="full_name=\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time"

The one he tried includes the CPU usage of the XP idle process, so it is always stuck at 100% or close to it.
That is why I like copy/paste. That works every time!:)

To tell you the honest truth, I didn't even notice the difference.


CF Mark

If you run "perfmon" and add both the counters youll see there is a bit of a difference.

I didnt see much difference, but i guess this could depend on the PC and the software installed.


CrystalControl Admin said:
If you run "perfmon" and add both the counters youll see there is a bit of a difference.

I didnt see much difference, but i guess this could depend on the PC and the software installed.
I meant the difference in the line in the screen. I guess I didn't explain myself very well.:eek:

There is a difference in readings. Previously, there was 0% usage if I wasn't doing anything. Now it shows 0-3%, which I assume are background programs running.
