CFAH1602L Series LCD Modules + computer


New member

I am thinking of purchasing one of these LCD Modules for my HTPC. How easy is it to connect up to a computer??

I would prefer a serial one but can't find one to match the dimensions(viewable) i want (110mm x 24mm).

Any help is appreciated.

Looking for additional LCD resources? Check out our LCD blog for the latest developments in LCD technology.

CF Support

We do not recommend the parallel modules (such as the one you are interested in) for end-user PC applications. These modules require more extensive wiring knowledge and the proper tools. These modules are primarily intended for OEM (manufacturer) use, and as such, we do not carry any cables, brackets, or serial adapters for these modules.

We do not offer end-user tech support on the CFAH*, CFAG* or CFAP* series modules in PC applications. We will not accept returns on CFAH*, CFAG* or CFAP* modules damaged in an attempt to connect them to a PC.

The serial/USB modules and kits (634, 633, 632 models and kits: are best suited for PC applications.

Please see this forum thread for our PCuser LCD recommendations:


New member
Thanks for the quick reply :)

Hmmm thats not good. As I said above, none of the serial ones match the dimensions I require.

Might have to order one and give it a go, have limited knowledge of electronics but I am a member of OCAU which is mentioned in the 2nd thread you gave me. So they can probably help me out.

Don't worry I wouldn't try and return it if I broke it, not that I am overly honest, it would cost me $30 just to send it back from Australia - Ha Ha.

Thanks again,

CF Support

Since our policy is well known, here are some wiring guides that can be useful. :)

Good wiring guides for HD44780 compatible LCD's can be found:

You can also go to and search for "assuming alphanumeric" and you will find a short Q/A post on parallel displays.

CF Tech

Why is there a hard dimension requirement?

Is there a particular place that you are trying to put the LCD into?


New member
CF Tech said:
Why is there a hard dimension requirement?

Is there a particular place that you are trying to put the LCD into?
My reply is about 3 months late :)

Yes I am putting it into an old amplifier case. Just about to wire it up and install it (even thought I bought it 3 months ago). Wish me luck



New member
Well I finally built the circuit and wired it all up and got nothing :(

I know you guys don't offer tech support on these models but can you answer one question for me?

When I connect this to my parallel port with both pots set midway and switch on the pc should I see anything displayed on the LCD? Should the backlight be on aswell?


CF Tech

Changing the backlight pot should change the the backlight brightness indepenently of anything else. Take a look at this thread, it may help.

Set the contrast pot so Vo (pin 3) is at about 1v.

Then use CFAH_WinTest to check your cable:

Put all signals low using the buttons on the CFAH_WinTest main screen
Repeat for all signals/pins.
    * Put one signal high.
    * Look at the data sheet, and use your volt meter
       to confirm that all the pins on the LCD are low
       except for the one that corresponds to the signal
       you set high.
Once you have Vcc=5v, ground=0v, Vo=1v and all the signals/pins working, click on "Init 8-bit".