I have been using this display successfully for some time now but have one issue with it.
I am controlling it directly from a PIC micro (EN, CS, RS, RXW direct from 3V3 logic) , with the data lines (DB0-7) going via a level-shifter.
At power-up, when all control lines (3V3) are floating (and level-shifter i/o are hi-z), I find the +5V rail goes into current-limit and drops to around 3V.
Once the code is running the current drops to within the regulator's supply limits and all is fine (although I haven't measured the ACTUAL current).
I cannot see anything in the datasheet regarding initialisation states of the control pins. Am I missing something? Eg, does EN pin have to be low at power application? Is there a defined power-up sequence?
I am controlling it directly from a PIC micro (EN, CS, RS, RXW direct from 3V3 logic) , with the data lines (DB0-7) going via a level-shifter.
At power-up, when all control lines (3V3) are floating (and level-shifter i/o are hi-z), I find the +5V rail goes into current-limit and drops to around 3V.
Once the code is running the current drops to within the regulator's supply limits and all is fine (although I haven't measured the ACTUAL current).
I cannot see anything in the datasheet regarding initialisation states of the control pins. Am I missing something? Eg, does EN pin have to be low at power application? Is there a defined power-up sequence?
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