' Recommended Crystal Fonts CFAG160128 LCD memory map.
' This map disregards the attribute RAM area (probably not needed anyway).
' It also does not allow adequate RAM area for one full Graphic page.
' ---------------------- $0000 - $01af (Text_Page0) (each page = 432 bytes)
' | | $01b0 - $035f (Text_Page1)
' | | $0360 - $050f (Text_Page2)
' | TEXT RAM AREA | $0510 - $06bf (Text_Page3)
' | ( 7 SCREENS ) | $06c0 - $086f (Text_Page4)
' | | $0870 - $0a1f (Text_Page5)
' | | $0a20 - $0bcf (Text_page6) (set this to graphic start?)
' | | $0bd0 - $0dff (47 bytes)
' ---------------------- $0c00
' | |
' | |
' | GRAPHIC RAM AREA | $0c00 - 17FF equals 3072 bytes
' | | (Need 3456 bytes for one full graphic screen)
' | |
' | |
' ---------------------- $1800
' | CGROM AREA | ...I want to overwrite foreign characters in this area
' | ------------------ | $1c00
' ---------------------- $1fff
Device 18F2620 ' Produce code for a 18F2620 PIC micro device
Declare XTAL 20 '
Declare serial_data 8 '
Declare HSERIAL_BAUD 9600'
Declare HSERIAL_TXSTA $24 '$20 or $24 (32d or 36d)
HSERIAL_RCSTA = %10010000 ' Enable serial port and continuous receive
' HSERIAL_TXSTA = %00100100 ' Enable transmit and asynchronous mode
HSERIAL_CLEAR = On ' Enable Error clearing on received characters
HBUS_BITRATE = 400 ' 400 Kbits FOR 24LC256
' HBUS_BITRATE = 1000 ' 400 Kbits FOR 24FC256
Dim char_string[28] As Byte 'hex string variable for sensor 0
Dim FirmwareStr[28] As Byte
Dim lcd_data As Byte
Dim cursor_pointer As Word
Dim temp_cursor_pointer As Word
Dim old_cursor_pointer As Word
Dim temp As Word
Dim cursor_counter As Byte
Dim bar_len As Byte
Dim Char_Cnt As Byte
Dim text_home As Word
Dim cursor_org As Byte
Dim csrbyte As Byte
Dim cntr As Word
Dim cntr2 As Byte
Dim i As Byte
Dim x As Byte
Dim y As Byte
Dim Start_row As Byte
Dim Start_col As Byte
Dim Block_width As Byte
Dim Block_Height As Byte
Dim Block_char As Byte
Dim busy_stat As Byte
Dim char As Byte
Dim next_position As Byte 'next position for Jumbo characters
Dim Page_no As Byte
Dim overlay_bit As Bit '
Dim numeral_table_start As Word
Dim Graphic_Start_Address As Word
Dim Address As Word
' LCD pin assignments
Symbol lcd_write = PORTA.0 'micro pin 2, LCD pin 6
Symbol lcd_read = PORTA.1 'micro pin 3, LCD pin 7
Symbol lcd_en = PORTA.2 'micro pin 4, LCD pin 8
Symbol lcd_cd = PORTA.3 'micro pin 5, LCD pin 9
Symbol lcd_reset = PORTA.4 '
Symbol lcd_port = PORTB '
Symbol Beep = PORTC.2 '
Symbol W1 = PORTC.5 '
Symbol Text_Page0 = $0000 'refer to memory map above
Graphic_Start_Address = $0c00 'refer to memory map above
' LCD initial pin states
High lcd_cd
High lcd_en 'active state low
High lcd_read 'active state low
High lcd_write 'active state low
High lcd_reset '
Low Beep '
High W1 '
overlay_bit = 0 'low = text in place, hi = numerals in place
GoSub Reset_LCD
' Init LCD and set mode
' When specifying CGROM mode, the first 128 characters are built-in,
' and the second 128 characters are user generated.
' When specifying CGRAM mode, all characters must be user generated.
'msb lsb
' 1 0 0 0 cg n2 n1 n0 mode set command
' cg=0 cg rom mode ("standard" font set un-affected)
' cg=1 cg ram mode (must replace entire "standard" font set)
' n2 n1 n0 (graphic and text)
' 0 0 0 "or" (either text or graphic pixel will be visible)
' 0 0 1 "xor" (text pixel will reverse if graphic pixel is on)
' 0 1 1 "and" (text & graphic pixels must both be on to be visible)
' 1 0 0 text only (attribute data applies)
lcd_data = %10000001 ' "xor" mode set, CGROM mode
GoSub Write_Command '
' Establish graphic home address (start of graphic ram block)
lcd_data = Graphic_Start_Address.LowByte 'address pointer set graphic
GoSub Write_Data
lcd_data = Graphic_Start_Address.HighByte 'address pointer set graphic
GoSub Write_Data '
lcd_data = $42 'graphic home address set
GoSub Write_Command '
text_home = Text_Page0
GoSub Text_Point 'Text screen pointer set
' Set number of graphic columns
lcd_data = $1b 'define # of cols, lsb 8x8=14h?, 6x8=1b? (dmf5001)
GoSub Write_Data '8x8=1eh?, 6x8=28h? (dmf5005)
lcd_data = $00 'define number of cols, msb
GoSub Write_Data '(always 000h)
lcd_data = $43 'set number of cols
GoSub Write_Command '
' Define number of text columns
lcd_data = $1b '6x8=$1b
GoSub Write_Data '
lcd_data = $00 'define number of cols, msb
GoSub Write_Data '(always 000h)
lcd_data = $41 'set number of TEXT cols
GoSub Write_Command '
'cursor control routines
lcd_data = $a0 'set cursor pattern (1 line)
GoSub Write_Command '
lcd_data = $00 '
GoSub Write_Data 'define cursor col address
GoSub Write_Data 'define cursor row address
lcd_data = $21 'set cursor col,row address
GoSub Write_Command '
'Display mode set
lcd_data = %10011100 'text & graphics on, cursor off
GoSub Write_Command '
'msb lsb
' 1 0 0 1 n3 n2 n1 n0
' n3 = 0 graphic display off
' n3 = 1 graphic display on
' n2 = 0 text display off
' n2 = 1 text display on
' n1 = 0 cursor display off
' n1 = 1 cursor display on
' n0 = 0 cursor blink off
' n0 = 1 cursor blink on
' Set lcd offset register to specify CG RAM space
' $00 specifies CGRam space $0000 - $07ff
' $01 specifies CGRam space $0800 - $0fff
' $02 specifies CGRam space $1000 - $17ff
' $03 specifies CGRam space $1800 - $1fff, user char's start at $1c00 ( $1800 + ($80 * 8) )
' ( each range = 2048 bytes, good for 128 or 256 user characters )
lcd_data = $03 'offset reg lsb data
GoSub Write_Data '
lcd_data = $00 'offset reg MSB data (always zero)
GoSub Write_Data '
lcd_data = $22 'set offset register
GoSub Write_Command '
' Start of subroutines
High lcd_cd
Low lcd_en 'select the LCD
Input PORTB 'make all port pins inputs
Low lcd_read
DelayUS 10 '
'HRSOut "busy loop",13 '
busy_stat = PORTB & %00000011
If busy_stat <> 3 Then LCDBusy2 'still busy, read again
' busy_stat = PORTB & %00001111
' If busy_stat <> 15 Then LCDBusy2 'still busy, read again
High lcd_read
High lcd_en
High lcd_cd
Low lcd_en 'select the LCD
Input PORTB 'make all port pins inputs
Low lcd_read
DelayUS 10 '
busy_stat = PORTB & %00000100
If busy_stat <> 4 Then Autoread_Busy2 'still busy, read again
High lcd_read
High lcd_en
High lcd_cd
Low lcd_en 'select the LCD
Input PORTB 'make all port pins inputs
Low lcd_read
DelayUS 10 '
busy_stat = PORTB & %00001000
If busy_stat <> 8 Then Autowrite_Busy2 'still busy, read again
High lcd_read
High lcd_en
GoSub LCDBusy '
' low lcd_cd '
Low lcd_en '
Input lcd_port 'make all port pins inputs
Low lcd_read '
DelayMS 1 '
lcd_data = lcd_port 'read LCD data
High lcd_read '
High lcd_en '
GoSub LCDBusy
Output lcd_port 'make all port pins outputs
lcd_port = lcd_data '
Low lcd_cd 'set to data
Low lcd_en 'select the LCD
Low lcd_write 'strobe the data in
DelayUS 10
High lcd_write '
High lcd_en 'deselect the LCD
GoSub Autowrite_Busy
Output lcd_port 'make all port pins outputs
lcd_port = lcd_data '
Low lcd_cd 'set to data
Low lcd_en 'select the LCD
Low lcd_write 'strobe the data in
DelayUS 10
High lcd_write '
High lcd_en 'deselect the LCD
GoSub LCDBusy
Output lcd_port 'make all port pins outputs
lcd_port = lcd_data '
High lcd_cd 'set to command
Low lcd_en 'select the LCD
Low lcd_write 'strobe the data in
DelayUS 10
High lcd_write '
High lcd_en 'deselect the LCD
'set lcd cursor pointer to specified address
lcd_data = cursor_pointer.LowByte
GoSub Write_Data '
lcd_data = cursor_pointer.HighByte
GoSub Write_Data '
lcd_data = $24 '
GoSub Write_Command '
Return '
' Establish text home address
lcd_data = text_home.LowByte 'address pointer set
GoSub Write_Data '
lcd_data = text_home.HighByte 'address pointer set
GoSub Write_Data '
lcd_data = $40 '
GoSub Write_Command '
Return '
' Set lcd auto write mode
lcd_data = $b0 '
GoSub Write_Command '
Return '
' Clr lcd auto write mode
lcd_data = $b2 'clr data auto write mode
GoSub Write_Command '
Return '
' Print String routine. Cursor_pointer must be pointing at desired screen location.
' This routine prints a string of characters in the native 6x8 font.
GoSub Set_AutoWrite 'set autowrite mode
For i = 0 To Char_Cnt
lcd_data = char_string[i] - $20
GoSub Write_Data
GoSub Clear_AutoWrite 'clr autowrite mode
' Reset lcd
Low lcd_reset '
DelayMS 20 '
High lcd_reset '
Return '
' End of subroutines - Start of main program
cursor_pointer = $0000 : GoSub Cursor_Point '
GoSub Set_AutoWrite 'set auto write
For temp = 0 To $17ff '
lcd_data = $00 'write null to ram address
GoSub Auto_Write_Data '
Next '
GoSub Clear_AutoWrite '
cursor_pointer = Text_Page0 : GoSub Cursor_Point '
Str char_string = ">? " : Char_Cnt = 3 : GoSub Print_Serial_String : DelayMS 10
cursor_pointer = Text_Page0 : GoSub Cursor_Point '