CFAG12864BTMIV with liquidmp3 problem


New member

i just got a CFAG12864BTMIV glcd, but i got some problems getting it to work with liquidmp3 0.9.4 alpha. It shows some activity on the screen , but its garbage. The lcd was wired for me by lc-designs (CS1 and CS2 swapped), and since I got the lcd working under LCDStudio i think the wiring is ok. However it doesnt run really smooth under LCDstudio (extreme heavy cpu load). I also have problems getting it to work ok under LCDHype. Anyone have any clue what could be wrong or is it a rtfm problem?


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New member
hi, i've the same display but i don't see nothing

i post some questions :

1) whit the power connected and parallel disconnect i see only the blue backlight and don't see nothing else, it's good or bad ?

2) the voltage is :
1 # 5
3 # 0.9
14 # 5
18 # 0.01~0.02
19 # 2.7
it's correct ?

3) with lpt_tester.exe the tension arrive to lcd correct (d0-d7 Strobe line and init) , i use Winxp

4) i've install the liquind mp3, lcd info and more ,but i see only the backlight ... what's the problem ?

5) MOST INPORTANT in the CFAG12864BTMIV the CS1 is connected to Lpt pin 16 and CS2 to 14 is correct or not ?

Tnk in advance


New member

well seems my wiring doesnt go to well with liquidmp3 or the ks0108 tester i downloaded, so i use LCDHype now and that works great.

i have CS1 on 16 and CS2 on 14, but both active high.



New member
tnk i try this software.

Last question : what is the Volt on Vo ?

i've a -0,1 but i think is too low to turn on the matrix

and last-last : you have a Reset pin always connect diretly to +5v ?