I have a CFA633, the full model # on the sticker is "CFA633 TMC KU DP1784 A7G".
I am trying to program CC2 to use the keys to change screens and brightness. cc2_service.ini suggests that the key values should be the following:
The # for down was correct, 32 works. However, the # for up didn't work at all. After some fiddling, I managed to get the up key to work using this:
As you can see, to=8, not 1, as was suggested by cc2_service.ini. Does anyone have a list of the key values for my 633?
I also ran 633_WinTest_1_9.exe and used the packet debugger to see if I could figure out the key values myself. This is what I got:
So up is 1 and down is 2? Or if we look at the "CRC=" values and convert from hex to dec, up is 49,777 and down is 61,674. These don't make any sense, because in CC2, key value 32 works for down, and value 8 works for up.
I've tried googling this and searching the forums to find my keypad values, to no avail. It might be because this 633 module was removed from a NITIX Net Integrator server computer. It has two additional buttons on the front that do not register in the wintest packet debugger: "Backup" and "Restore". It also says "Net integrator" on the front. However, every thing else works beautifully. I have several different screens showing various system information, and at the moment, the up and down keys function to scroll through the screens, just not with the supplied key values.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
I am trying to program CC2 to use the keys to change screens and brightness. cc2_service.ini suggests that the key values should be the following:
; -- 633 & 635 KEY VALUES ---------------------------
; UP = 1
; DOWN = 32
; LEFT = 8
; RIGHT = 16
; X = 4
; TICK = 2
[m00-event00] ; 1st module, 1st event
if=333939127 ; Substitute your id_keypad number here.
to=8.000000 ; This tells CC2 that you want to poll the UP key.
do_type=9 ; This tells CC2 that this is a screen change command.
do=1.000000 ; This tells CC2 to scroll up one screen.
I also ran 633_WinTest_1_9.exe and used the packet debugger to see if I could figure out the key values myself. This is what I got:
I've tried googling this and searching the forums to find my keypad values, to no avail. It might be because this 633 module was removed from a NITIX Net Integrator server computer. It has two additional buttons on the front that do not register in the wintest packet debugger: "Backup" and "Restore". It also says "Net integrator" on the front. However, every thing else works beautifully. I have several different screens showing various system information, and at the moment, the up and down keys function to scroll through the screens, just not with the supplied key values.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
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