CF635 driver Major Cryout for HELP!


New member
Hi I'm in serious trouble,

Some months a go I recived my CF635 and a SCAB board. Everything was build in my new PC, and Win XP installed.
After installing Win XP and servicepacks, drivers and Antivirus, I installed the Crystal Fontz USB driver 2154b and everything worked fine.
Played around with some screens and the SCAB board, so at last I wanted to reinstall the USB driver again to get a fresh start, since the temp. monitoring started to freeze up.
Then the problems started....
I cleaned everything out, using RegClean, going through the registry cleaning out... even deleted all files in the Windows\system32 folder together with the Crystalfontz folder.
When I install the driver again, following the guide from Crystalfontz, Win XP recognized the CF635, but says that the driver isn't proberly installed, and therefor is'nt working. Nothing is shown in Device Manager -> Ports meaning no communication to the CF635.
What have I done wrong?
Is is because all changes was'nt made as Administrator? (I've tried to delete all user accounts, but no luck) And how do I get totally rid of the whole driver? so I can start fresh? seems that I can't get rid of the last bid, so after an uninstall, it still recognizes the CF 635, when it is connected

Plz. I need all the help I can get!
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New member
Correct me if im wrong, but try removing the old drivers, and installing the 2154b drivers with the internet disabled or unplugged..

thats what got my 635 LCD working for me... its a conflict with the microsoft signed drivers i think...


New member
I've tried removing everything regarding the driver... but It's still there. Used every tool avalible, including manual search and delete in the registry. What chould disconnecting from the internet do?

BTW. Love you're nick, I just bought a cd with them


New member
Run a windows command prompt (start-menu->run->cmd), and then enter these two lines at the cmd prompt:

(originally posted by CrystalControl Admin)

remove the old com ports if there are any there...

try again with no net

(btw, i didnt know that they were a band :p)


New member
Lookslike the install can't find the ftdibus.sys, even though I told it where to find the drivers C:\Program Files\Crystalfontz USB Drivers\
The install, following you idear, gives the same result.... Error in Device Manager (Code 31)


New member
Now... I'm trying to search and delete every filename in registry, pointing to the USB driver....
Now everything is deleted... files, entries in registry... So it should be a CrystalFontz clean Win XP.
Found out that the driver installed it self in \Windows\System32\System32\Driver. Dont know why
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Finally got it to work.... but it took me a Win XP reinstall to get there.
Yea, I did the same thing a few weeks ago or so. The "signed" drivers killed the connectivity to the displays.

Things were buried so deep in the registry, that I could not delete enough entries to allow the old (good) drivers to install. Finally screwed with the registry long enough, that the machine would be boot into Windows.

Thank God that I had all my data backed up at that point.



New member
Jim... I read youre guide on how to program the LED's in the 635, but I'm a little bit confused. Do I have to install a screen (ex. Netstat) to get the LED to work? Is it possible to get you to list a step by step guide on how to? Hate the thought that I might screw up again... and end up wiht a reinstall as the last way out.
Thx. in advance
USB LCD Displays - Graphic and Character LCDs with a Keypad


Jim... I read youre guide on how to program the LED's in the 635, but I'm a little bit confused. Do I have to install a screen (ex. Netstat) to get the LED to work? Is it possible to get you to list a step by step guide on how to? Hate the thought that I might screw up again... and end up wiht a reinstall as the last way out.Thx. in advance
1st, as long as you have the displays workig again, you will be fine, unless you try to update drivers from Window Update (until CF has them fixed). Screwing up a screen file will "not" kill your install (now that I've said that, you know what will happen!)Anyway, in order to use the LED's, you will need an ID # to referance in the 635.ini file. If you have a screen with the required variable (and therefore the ID #), just follow to the LED instructions in the post you have refered to.If the variable you wish to track is not in a screen file yet, simply add a screen with the desired variable. This will give the required ID # for use in the 635.ini file. At this point, simply follow to the LED instructions in the post you have refered to.I'm not sure if this helps: let me know.Jim


New member
Ok here is what I've done so far:

Loaded the jc_Netstats screen, changed
"full_name=\\Network Interface(NVIDIA nForce Networking Controller - Packet Scheduler Miniport#0)\\Bytes Received/sec" to my NIC. Info came from cc2_perfmon.ini, which again came from perfdump.txt
Also changed the led0x_id_value, to the ID shown in cc2_perfmon.ini.
Result.... Display shows the screen, but no action. The LED's are off, tried to change the led0x_order value, and the color changed, but still.... no action. Can you help me out here?
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