CC2 Winamp plug-in Spectrum Analyzer not working


New member
I own a 635 (internal USB connection). I am using the latest version of Crystal Control 2, and when I try putting in the Winamp screen with spectrum analyzer, it just says N/A on my LCD screen. What gives?

Also, might as well ask here, is there a way to display GPU temps using speedfan and CC2?

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CF Mark

To get the spectrum anyl working, youll need to install the CrystalControl2 winamp plugin (it would have asked you about this during CC2 install), and then select and start it in winamp itself.

Ill get back to you on the SpeedFan question.


New member's not listed in the plug-ins section of my Winamp... maybe I clicked No. Can't really remember.

Edit: Nvm, I figured it out. Any way to reduce the lag? It seems like a second or two behind.

I'll wait for reply on the GPU temps though. Thanks.
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SycoraX said:'s not listed in the plug-ins section of my Winamp... maybe I clicked No. Can't really remember.

Edit: Nvm, I figured it out. Any way to reduce the lag? It seems like a second or two behind.

I'll wait for reply on the GPU temps though. Thanks.
Speedfan can not read GPU parameters. You will have to use RivaTuner.



New member
jc634 said:
Speedfan can not read GPU parameters. You will have to use RivaTuner.

How can I make it work with Riva Tuner? Right now it just says N/A on everything when I insert the screen.


You have to enable HW monitoring.

Bring up the RivaRuner window and click on the Customize button. Click on the HW monitoring icon. In the lower LH corner, there is a Red Button to enable HW monitoring. Click it on to enable and you should be good.



New member
jc634 said:
You have to enable HW monitoring.

Bring up the RivaRuner window and click on the Customize button. Click on the HW monitoring icon. In the lower LH corner, there is a Red Button to enable HW monitoring. Click it on to enable and you should be good.

Thanks... it works, but now it says GPU Clock as "NS" Mhz.

CF Mark

Sounds like the way data is exported has changed in a recent version of RivaTuner.

Ill get this fixed in the next few days.


CrystalControl Admin said:
Sounds like the way data is exported has changed in a recent version of RivaTuner.

Ill get this fixed in the next few days.
I am using the latest version, v2.0, Release candidate 15.8

CF Mark

They have changed the information they share to other applications.

Ill have to email the author of RivaTuner to find out what changed.
As soon as i get the info, ill make a new version of the plugin availiable.


New member
CrystalControl Admin said:
They have changed the information they share to other applications.

Ill have to email the author of RivaTuner to find out what changed.
As soon as i get the info, ill make a new version of the plugin availiable.
Sweet. I'll be waiting for it :cool: